Mission Advancement Egram | July 18, 2016
Ugandan SNDs Visit California

Sr. Jane Marie McHugh, one of the pioneers of the Uganda mission in 1995, welcomes Sr. M. Teopista Nabugwawo, one of her students.
During June and July, 9 Sisters of Notre Dame from Uganda  visited the four Amerian provinces.  This visit gave them the opportunity to meet the sisters that have supported them, their education and formation in religious life. 

Sr. Jane Marie McHugh, one of the pioneers of the Uganda mission, shares her reflections.   "In 1994 we went to Maryknoll in preparation for the opening of the mission in rural Uganda, and we were told that the true goal of missionaries is to work themselves out of a job.  After the visits of the 9 Ugandan Sisters of Notre Dame, it looks as if we are well on our way towards the achievement of that goal!  Meeting with the Sisters, especially Sr. Mary Teopista Nabugwawo and Sr. Mary Immaculate Namuga, had me feeling like a proud mama.  They are the true fruits of our the Notre Dame seeds we have sown in Uganda!" 
Stephen Ministers
Cindy Smith (right) congratulates Sr. M. John Shin, one of the new Stephen Ministers.

Following 20 sessions of formal training, 18 Stephen Ministers were commissioned on June 26.   This new ministry is a collaborative initiative between the SNDs, SND Associates and St. Julie Billiart Parish in Newbury Park. 
Jubilarians Honored for 330 Years of Consecration

On Saturday, July 9, six SNDs from the California Province here honored for their 330 years of consecrated service to God and the Church.  The video below shares some of the special moments of the day's celebrations.

California SND 2016 Jubilarians
California SND 2016 Jubilarians

The jubilarians wish to thank all those who have supported them on their journey and who helped to make this a memorable occasion.
Good Shepherd Community Established

Sr. Louise Marie Hlavac, Sr. Anna Maria Vasquez and Sr. M. Frances Wahl recently opened a new SND community, dedicated to the Good Shepherd, in West Los Angeles.  This location affords good proximity to their places of ministry at St. Catherine of Siena School, St. Joan of Arc Parish, and Notre Dame Academy.
Mustard Seeds
for reflection

Next month we will commemorate the 92nd anniversary of the arrival of 11 pioneer SNDs to California from Ohio.   How little did they realize that their works of mercy would transform the lives of thousands upon thousands of God's people:

*  Preparing children and adults for the sacraments and a vibrant  spiritual life
*  Offering compassion across the generations, from newborns to hospice patients
*  Providing instructon in preschools, K-12 classrooms, religious ed programs and seminaries
*  Reaching out to the sick, troubled, lonely, hungry, homeless, prisoners...
*  Praying for those entrusted to their care.

In this year of mercy, we thank God for the benefits we have received from their personal sacrifices.  We also thank you, our families, Associates, colleagues, friends, volunteers and benefactors--our partners in mission--for joining us as we together incarnate the love of our good and provident God.
Message to our Readers

Dear Friends,


We are grateful to share God's goodness and provident care
through this inaugural Mission Advancement Egram!   This publication will provide updates about the life and ministry of the Sisters of Notre Dame, as well as our Associates and ministry colleagues.    I have assumed responsibility as the Director of Mission Advancement Services; working with staff and volunteers, I will coordinate strategies (such as these egrams) which advance the local and international mission of the Sisters of Notre Dame--fostering relationships and community outreach initiatives while also developing the necessary resources.   Hope to hear from you!

Blessings always,
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