Break Out the Blue

What does the Sonoran Desert and World Oceans Night have in common? If you guessed the Gulf of California, than you were right (it is within the borders of the Sonoran Desert)! So join the Desert Museum and Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch for a Cool Summer Night celebration! Wear  blue in honor of World Oceans Day and dive into the incredible variety of marine life and how we can protect it.  Take a Swim!
ASDM/Jason Wiley
Flower Friday

Happy Flower Friday! This vibrant purple Guaiacum coulteri is often found in Sonora, Mexico. You can find this beauty blooming near our Bighorn Sheep exhibit. Make sure to come check it out this weekend! This species is rare to cultivate because it grows slowly and is sensitive to frost. The fruits of this flower are bright red and attract birds that disperse their seeds across the desert. Dig Deeper!

ASDM/Kat Rumbley
You Otter Watch This

This week, we are highlighting our river otter. According to our keepers, she likes to put things on her head (produce, rocks, and ice) and loves to hang out with people at her window. We're thinking she would love to see you soon! Our keepers use enrichment techniques which enhance the animal's experience. Watch This Cutie Chow Down!

ASDM/Kat Rumbley
Take a Journey

Art is nature.The Art Institute's upcoming exhibits highlight this in quite a unique way. First, take an underwater journey with artist, Glenn Thompson, in our Baldwin Education Building Gallery. The collection features more than 30 prints.Then, go to the Ironwood Gallery to explore the beauty of botanical conservation.This exhibit features work by our botany department and the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. Start Your Artistic Journey!

Guest service volunteer, Vanessa.
Searching for Summer Smiles

Want to spend your summer in Tucson's best natural environment? Then become a guest services volunteer! Not only are you the first smiling face our guests see, you interact with people from around the world. As a guest service volunteer, you are a Desert Museum ambassador. You are people's guide on how to experience the Sonoran Desert in the most authentic way.  Smile In The Sonoran This Summer!
ASDM/Kat Rumbley
We Need Your Help

How would you like to explore the moonscape of a volcanic area? Should we plan an adventure in Spain? What about watching the whales of Baja California? How does migrating with monarchs in central Mexico sound? We are developing our travel offerings for the 2017-2018 season. We would love to hear your feedback on what types of trips you would participate in.  Take The Survey!
What's Going Down in the Desert?
  • Cool Summer Nights - World Oceans Night (June 4)
  • Cool Summer Nights - Living in Harmony with the Sun (June 11)
  • Cool Summer Nights - Full Moon Festival (June 18)
Want more info on these awesome events? Check it Out! 
JUNE 3, 2016