Happy New Year!
    January 2016
And like that, 2015 is behind us. We're wishing you all the best moving into this new year. Brakeley Briscoe trusts you rang in 2016 with a momentous celebration. Now, let us assist you in getting the new year rolling!
Come Join Us!
January 31 - February 2

Register for 46th Annual CASE-NAIS Independent Schools Conference.
Marianne and Alden Briscoe as well as Anne Storch and Tom Ryan will be attending in New York, NY. Brakeley Briscoe will be exhibiting during the event. Stop by booth 43 for a personal meet and greet! We'd love to see you.

Seeking a Job Opportunity?

B rakeley Briscoe hosts job opportunities on our site from coast to coast. The most recent is with The Junior Statesmen Foundation. Brakeley Briscoe is carrying out the search for the CEO position of JSF.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for the overall successful operation and performance of Junior State of America and the Junior Statesmen Foundation. This includes working with the board to create a five-year strategic plan for the organization's future and successfully implementing that plan. While serving as the external face of the organization, the CEO also oversees the running of day-to-day operations of JSA. The CEO must ensure that all necessary financial and human resources are available to successfully execute the organization's mission, goals and programs.

Explore the Brakeley Briscoe site and share this email with your colleagues, friends, and family who may be qualified or interested in our services. 
Finding Campaign Leadership
Every campaign I have advised, over more than four decades, has succeeded because it had strong leadership. And when campaigns  have been less than successful, leadership has been the heart of the challenge. The synergy and single-minded dedication of the  leadership team - the CEO, the chief development officer and the volunteer chair or chairs - makes all the difference between a perfunctory campaign and a hugely rewarding one. When it comes to the pace-setting gifts at the top of the gift pyramid, moreover, there is no more important player than the volunteer chair or chairs. And these leaders are truly hard to find these days.

Sometimes, during the precampaign planning and feasibility study, an obvious candidate who evokes the admiration and respect of all emerges from the process. But more often than not, the volunteer leadership outlook is murky at best. So how do you find and recruit the "right" person or persons to champion your cause?
Executive Search
Campaign Feasibility Studies
Campaign Management
Development Audits
  Major and Annual Gifts
Planned Giving
Volunteer Leadership Development
International Fundraising
Constituent Relations 

322 West Bellevue Ave. San Mateo, Ca 94402 | info@BrakeleyBriscoe.com |
1-800-416-3086| www.BrakeleyBriscoe.com