Week InReview
Tweet of the Week

PokémonGO is a location-based augmented reality mobile game, developed by Niantic and published by The Pokémon Company as part of the Pokémon franchise. It was released worldwide in July 2016 for iOS and Android devices.

Friday, July 15, 2016
Let's recap
In case you missed it . . .
How financial stability risks spread
OFR looks deeper, sees more
(Jul 14) The Office of Financial Research released a brief entitled, "Looking Deeper, Seeing More: A Multilayer Map of the Financial System." The brief introduces a three-layer map to illustrate how the circulation of short-term funding, collateral, and assets may spread financial stability risks throughout the U.S. financial system. Potential vulnerabilities and contagion paths emerge as large banks, hedge funds, central clearinghouses, and other market participants become increasingly interconnected.
Tougher order routing reports for brokers
Under new SEC plan
(Jul 13) Broker-dealers handling large orders from institutional clients would have to disclose scorecard to client on how they are routed,  under a proposal issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission that brought it closer to completing a series of initiatives on U.S. equity market structure.  The brokers would have to disclose to a client, upon request, which venues large orders were sent to and how favorable the pricing was for the clients related to bid-ask spreads. Brokers would then have to aggregate that data and provide quarterly summaries to the public.  Retail orders would also face additional public, quarterly disclosures, including fees and rebates that the brokers received for sending orders to certain exchanges.
'Blockchain Graveyard'
A collection of cryptocurrency fails
(Jul 12) Blockchains can be hard to hack, due to good cryptography and distributed ledgers. They can be easy to hack because they feature anonymity and irreversibility. The website "Blockchain Graveyard" tracks "cryptocurrency institutions" that "have suffered intrusions resulting in stolen financials, or shutdown of the product. Nearly all closed down afterward." Their database is made up of 38 incidents gathered from publicly available information. Blockchain Graveyard claims most of these massive security breaches or thefts could have been prevented.
Binge reading disorder
Hand-curated, chosen with love
Psssst. The U.S. Treasury market flies at midnight: More activity is taking place overnight and in futures

A gloomy Boston Consulting Group report on the asset management business

Banker sitting in U.S. prison has a most incredible tale to tell

It's NOT the economy, stupid: Brexit as a story of personal values

13 quotes for the 160th birthday of Nikola Tesla, the greatest geek who ever lived