Priceless Professional Development:
Volume 7, Issue 76                                            March 2015

There are no perfect leaders. I've never known any - have you?  It can be a tough job with a heavy load of responsibility full of pressure, change and Autocratic Leadershipcompeting interests.  


Most leaders will occasionally have more than a few "I just did some thing that makes me look like a jerk" moments.  I believe that that is just part of being a leader and being human!  


Can you recover from those "I was rude" or "I was impatient and didn't listen" or "I just did my best impression of a dictator and demanded compliance" moments?     

I say you CAN recover - but only if you get really good at a particular skill. It's what one of my favorite bosses did really well.  I still think highly of him 20 years later because he had mastered this skill, even though he had plenty of 'jerk moments' when we worked together.


Find out what that skill is, rate yourself with a free quiz and download a Memory Jogger card with six actions items for doing more of this skill, here: Autocratic Leadership or Just a Jerk Sometimes? The One Skill That Can Rescue a 'Sometimes Jerk' Leader...  



 **This month's article includes a quiz, action steps, a video of an autocratic leader and more.  Check it out, here.



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podcastThree New Episodes: The Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast    

I am so excited to share three new audio podcasts with you:      

  • Episode #3 - The Three Biggest Mistakes Interviewers Make  From my book - the top three mistakes hiring managers make, what to look for and suggested interview questions.
  • Episode #4  - How to Train and Retain the Millennial Employee - An interview with Expert Bette Price sharing her GenBlending Research on what Gen Y wants and needs.
  • Episode #5 - Mythbusters: The Dark Secret of HRD - An interview with Expert Denny Coates, Ph.D. that debunks four commonly held beliefs around professional development  - based upon brain science and research.  He truly rips the cover off of and shares, "The Dark Secret of HRD".  Something every leader responsible for training should listen to.



The Wake Up Eager Workforce podcast is for leaders, trainers and consultants who are focused on improving employee selection and providing professional development to increase energy, communication and productivity in organizations.  Each podcast includes: tools, tips, best practices, interviews and whatever else I come up with! :)
coldThis Month's Video: Kid President - 20 Things We Should Say More Often
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In this month's newsletter topic I talk about how a sometimes jerk leader can still be effective IF he/she can master this leadership skill: Cultivate a Positive Sense of Self in Others. I share a free quiz, actions and a memory jogger card that you can get here. 

Kid President has some great tips  for doing this skill well, too.  (And he's so adorable!) 

Let's all do more of these things today and every day...

Watch This Inspiring and Happy Video Now

Helping Leaders, Trainers and Consultants, Everywhere, Build a Wake Up Eager Workforce!

Suzie Price
office phone: 770-578-6976 770-578-6976770-578-6976
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