Priceless Professional Development:
Volume 7, Issue 74                                             January 2015


Give employees recognition consistently and you'll be less likely to be struggling with turnover and productivity problems.  


Gaping Void Art

And, you won't get comments like this from a real employee opinion survey I conducted years ago,

"My manager does not give much recognition or many pats on the back. Outside of my compensation (which I appreciate very much) I've not heard one 'Thank You' or 'Good Job' from my  manager in months.  Sometimes I wonder, and I'm not the only one, if he cares about what I do.  I don't want to sound  needy or anything, but a pat on the back every once in awhile would go along way toward making things better."

This employee seemed hesitant to even say how important feedback was to him, but thank goodness he did.  Because he's not alone.  In over four million employee interviews Gallup determined that the teams with much higher productivity and customer service scores, and less turnover, rated these statements as true: Continue Reading. 





**This month's article shares FOUR possible reasons why you don't give consistent employee recognition and shares four SIMPLE actions/tools to help you start taking more action in this area. Go There Now...

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Looking for One Leader Who Wants to Improve Employee Engagement  - One Complimentary Ninety Day Trial 
  • Ever wish you had an easy way to motivate your employees so that they're energized, focused and committed to their work, all day every day?
Looking for One Leader...
  • Do you want to be a great boss but every day is so busy you forget (or run out of time) to do the "little" things for people, like recognition or appreciation?
  • Are you naturally a little reserved in your personality, and while you THINK and SEE what people are doing right, you never really get around to actually SHARING it with them?
  • Are you analytical and quality-focused, so much so that you tend to, without meaning to, point out more about what's wrong and not so much about what is working?
If you said yes to any one of these questions contact me to be considered for a complimentary ninety-day trial to use a very simple and robust  'give people recognition in less than ten minutes a day' software program.

I believe in the practice of recognition so much, and I see how it often is missed in the workplace, that when I discovered this program I convinced the developer to give me one complimentary trial to give to one deserving manager/business owner and his team.  (Unlimited number of team members can participate.)

Send me an email telling me that you want your team to be considered for this complimentary, no obligation - other than giving me feedback on what you like & how you use it - trial.  I will let you know if you were selected.

This month's article is about the logic and power in giving employees feedback consistently.

Former Professional Baseball Player Mike Robbins talks about how not only does appreciation impact relationships, but it impacts productivity, and that #1 reason people say they leave a job is because they did not feel appreciated.  

He shares his personal story, interesting statistics and simple actions you can take.  Watch the entire video if you can, but be sure NOT TO MISS the story he tells about appreciating his mother, starting at 13:45.   It left me misty-eyed and moved.

Helping Leaders, Trainers and Consultants, Everywhere, Build a Wake Up Eager Workforce!

Suzie Price
office phone: 770-578-6976770-578-6976770-578-6976
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