A weekly newsletter about letting the workplace speak
Issue 26/Volume 3                www.VisualWorkplace.com                June 29, 2016
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Follow-Up Webinar for New England AME March Visual Thinking Seminar Attendees
Wednesday, June 29
Call for Info 503-233-1784

Follow-Up Webinar for New Mexico MEP April Visual Thinking Seminar Attendees
Thursday, June 30 
Call for Info 503-233-1784

Follow-Up Webinar for NIACC April Visual Thinking Seminar Attendees 
Tuesday, July 19 
Call for Info 503-233-1784

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Knoxville, TN 
September 20

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Querétaro, Mexico 
October 19-20 & 25-26   
Product News
Now only $4980 (or $415/mo) get your
Work That Makes Sense
without waiting for corporate authorization.
Thought for the Week
This is a time of great change for all aspects of work, across all industries, on every possible organizational level. the patterns and paradigms of the past no longer serve. Those of the future are not yet in place. We are in a time of transition.

Part of that transition requires a redefinition of what prosperity means and a reformulation of how excellence is achieved int he workplace. A powerful part of that new formula is workplace visuality.

from Visual Workplace/Visual Thinking
by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth
Visual Poem/Puzzle
And the Visual Fail Prize Goes To...
Have you seen a Visual Fail that made you laugh?  Send the image to [email protected],
and we'll put it here and credit you with the funny find!    

Visual Radio: 
Spirit and the Value Field (Part 5/Hero Within) 
Listen to Gwendolyn this 
Thursday at 10am (Pacific) on

What happens when your operational methodology collides with your cultural goals? What happens is: something's gotta give. Join us as Gwendolyn Galsworth links the value field (where work happens) with the beating heart of every successful work culture: spirit (a broad equivalent to the term respect). Learn how this cultural element can work for or against your improvement goals as Dr. Galsworth shares two stories from her own deployment history. The first is about Paulette and how she and her co-workers re-defined their value field so they could drill deeper into their info deficits. The other is about Charley and the table in his value field that everyone (except Charley) wanted to toss into the trash. In this fifth show in her hero within series, Gwendolyn shares what to do/not to do when faced with grumpy people and very positive people--because they can both contribute hugely to your implementation success. Tune in/Learn more. Let the workplace speak!

Paula's bench had all the reasons she used to leave her value field handy and in great visual order. 
Feature Article
Motion and Your Value Field (Part 5)    
by Gwendolyn Galsworth, PhD

Listen to Thursday's Radio Show for more on your value field and how to define it. (See above)

Across the past several issues, we have been examining motion/moving without working, the footprint of the invisible enemy--missing information. Added up, motion--in all its thousand and perverse forms--can steal 10% to 15% to 30% of our useable work day. Its impact is huge. We know the cure: Replace recurrent questions with visual answers and motion dissolves because info deficits disappear. Do this by implementing visual workplace technologies and the gain is company-wide.

To conquer motion, we need to understand it even better than we do now and go beyond the power of info deficits to trigger struggle, in the guise of seemingly innocent interruptions. In this issue, I widen our definition of motion so you gain insight into the more deeply-hidden triggers of motion-those tied directly to the physical work environment--and a work location I call the value field.

-The wider definition of motion: Motion is anything you have to do or you cannot do your work--but it is not your work.

-And an explanation of the term value field: Your value field is the actual physical location where you do your work.

-And let's take this moment to also define work, so there's no guessing. Work means: moving and adding value.

The surgeon's value field: the patient.
Visual Tricks and Treats
Street Art in Vienna
Great signs, clever visual devices, artistic or humorous graffiti. If you find one to share, send the image to [email protected]