Issue 1.16 / June 2016
In the Spotlight

The second session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA2) took place at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, under the overarching theme of 'Delivering on the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development'. TEEB held a high-level panel session exploring the relationship between human (and ecosystem) health and agricultural systems, directly aligning with the UNEA2 thematic focus on 'Healthy Environment - Healthy People'[read more]

Pavan Sukhdev UNEP  Goodwill Ambassador and TEEB Study Leader, has been awarded with The 2016  Blue Planet Prize  sponsored by  The Asahi Glass Foundation . The Blue Planet Prize  goes to outstanding individuals or organizations whose work have and continue to contribute significantly to the improvement of the global environment.  [read more]
TEEB National Studies
The second national stakeholder meeting gathered representatives from national Government agencies, private sector, NGOs, and the United Nations to discuss the different technical aspects related to the development of the TEEB Bhutan study: "Integrating the Value of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Hydropower Development Strategies". [read more]
InfoPoint conference organized by the European Commission (EC) under the title:  To TEEB or not to TEEB - All you need to know about linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem services and development. TEEB Coordinator, Salman Hussain, presented the preliminary results of the five EC-funded TEEB Country StudiesBhutan, Ecuador, Liberia, the Philippines and Tanzania.


Members of the TEEB Community gathered in Paris during the first week of May to participate in a TEEBAgriFood Writers Workshop. Over two days, forty participants weighed in on the valuation framework and its practical applications, explored new topics for research, and decided on content and structure for the upcoming technical reports.  [read more]
Interim Report, now in Spanish & Bahasa Indonesia 

The TEEBAgriFood Interim Report (IR)  introduces the key questions, issues and arguments to be addressed by  TEEBAgriFood study. Furthermore, the IR presents a 'valuation framework' which provides a common lens for ensuring that the full range of impacts and dependencies can be examined under different applications (i.e. by sector, system or practice). Follow the links to read the TEEBAgriFood Interim Report in:
#ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)

How food connects all the SDGs: Pavan Sukhdev and  Johan Rockström   presented a new way of viewing the Sustainable Development Goals and how they are all linked to food. The new illustration is based on one of the iconic figures, "the wedding cake", developed by centre science director Carl Folke and others. It implies that economies and societies are seen as embedded parts of the biosphere.
Upcoming Events
University of Dar es Salaam (29 Jun. - 1 Jul.) 
* 5th EUROSOIL International Congress, Istanbul, Turkey (17-22 Jul.)   
* IUCN World Conservation Congress,   Hawaii, USA (1-10 Sep.)
* European Ecosystem Services Conference , Antwerp, Belgium (19-23 Sep.) 
Exploratory Studies: Agroforestry & Inland Fisheries

Agroforestry : The study aims to shed light on the value of ecosystem services agroforestry systems provide and the attractiveness of agroforestry in terms of the ability to remove carbon emissions compared to monoculture cropping. [read more]

Inland fisheriesThe study developed a holistic assessment of different production & management scenarios in the inland capture fisheries and freshwater aquaculture sectors.  [read more]
IPES-FOOD Report:  From Uniformity to Diversity

The new report published by IPES-Food explores the potential for a shift to occur from current food systems, characterized by industrial modes of agriculture, to systems based around diversified agroecological farming. The report also asks what is keeping industrial agriculture in place, and what would be required in order to spark a shift towards diversified agroecological systems.  [Download the report]
The TEEBrief newsletter, published every two months, aims to inform the TEEB Community about news, events, publications, multimedia and more related to  The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Please send us your articles, news, comments and ideas for the next TEEBrief:

TEEBrief is brought to you by the UNEP TEEB Office in Geneva, Switzerland