Dear Families, 
We are happy to report that the Legislature's Fiscal Year 2017 Budget on the Governor's desk includes the addition of $20 million to community providers that will go toward direct support professionals. This is great news, but the battle isn't over yet. It is at this stage that the Governor could remove items, via a line-item veto, before signing the budget into law. With this in mind, Governor Christie must hear from families NOW  about the importance of this funding and the role direct support professionals play in the life of your loved one. A State Budget must be signed into law by this Thursday, June 30, at the latest, so it's critical that you take action as soon as possible. 
Taking Action:
Call or email Governor Christie's office using the contact information below.

Please personalize your correspondence to the Governor, but also be sure to explain the following key points:
  • Direct Support Professionals assist individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) with everything from basic self-care to transportation and on the job support.
  • They are a critical part of my loved one's life and the key to community integration for people with I/DD.
  • Please maintain the $20 million in the Legislature's proposed budget that will go to community provider agencies for direct support professionals.

Contact Governor Christie:

By Phone:

By Email:
When choosing this option, select "Developmental Disabilities" from the drop down box to indicate the email topic and then click continue. You will be asked to provide your name and contact information at the top. Your message to the Governor can be typed in the message box at the bottom of the page. When finished, simply click "Send Your Message."

If you have any questions with this process, please feel free to contact Sharon Levine at  [email protected] or at 732.246.6861 .