The latest news from GasNetworks ®

What's New from GasNetworks this Summer!
After a relatively mild winter and a cooler spring, your customers may not be focused on improving the efficiency of their heating and hot water systems.  Summer is a great time to get them started on the path to a more efficient home.    
Efficient Water Heating for All 

It's true - for the first time there are some key differences in the rebate offers for Massachusetts natural gas customers. The good news is there are options for all customers to increase the efficiency of their water heating. 

Visit to learn about the latest availability of rebates for water heating.  
Outdoor Reset Controls / Equipment Inspections 

Last Fall we highlighted a local study that revealed that more than 50 percent of condensing boilers showed no evidence of having effectively programmed outdoor reset controls. And only 12 percent showed outdoor reset curves that could result in significant condensing.  

If you haven't yet been notified, we have adjusted the inspection protocols to now require outdoor reset hardware with configured set points. As with any inspection process, rebate payments will be denied if the installation doesn't meet the qualifications.

Installing a new condensing/combination boiler can yield impressive savings, but the impact on the system's recovery time can represent a big change for the occupant. We're always happy to provide customer-education materials to assist in conveying this message. And of course, we'll continue to highlight industry trainings that cover the proper installation of all modulating/condensing heating water heating equipment to your customers and installing it properly.  
Please refer here for additional rebate materials.

Cleaning Tips to Save Energy

After being cooped up in their homes all winter, your customers may be thinking it's time for some deep cleaning, a little bit of organization and décor changes. Some cleaning ideas can actually make a home more energy efficient.   

Suggest that your customers set a reminder on their phone to replace their furnace filter. It's one of those little things people always forget to do - replace the air filter on the furnace every one to three months. But replacing filters is one of those little things that your customers can ask their smartphones to remind them to do in order to get energy savings. A dirty air filter makes a furnace work harder to circulate hot or cool air throughout a home, which could also shorten the life of their heating and cooling systems.
Look here for more cleaning tips to share with your customers. .

Join GasNetworks at the Annual Heating Professionals Fall Conference this September!

Join us on September 22, 2016 for the 16th Annual Heating Professionals Fall Conference at the Lantana in Randolph, MA. Connect with over 300 of your colleagues at this full day conference featuring a myriad of expert trainers and speakers as well as up to 25 exhibitors displaying the latest and greatest high efficiency natural gas technologies. Exhibits will be set up inside and outside all day.

Registration will be available this summer at GasNetworks,com. .