Dear CIM Supporters,
Welcome to July in the Twin Cities! We would like to extend our warmest thanks to all who were involved and/or attended our Minnesota Irish Music Weekend. And what a weekend it was! Many thanks especially to the MIM planning committee and to our visiting artists, Joanie Madden, Brian Conway, Billy McComiskey, and Brendan Dolan. Thank you for helping to fill the Celtic Junction with incredible music all weekend.
Our summer term began right after MIM, but it is not too late to register! In fact, there are several children's camps that have not begun yet. This is the perfect time to try out a new instrument or join a new class. We hope to see you at CIM soon.
August will soon be upon us, so please mark your calendars now for the Irish Fair of Minnesota, August 12-14. We are looking for volunteers to help staff our information booth that weekend. Please find more details below and information on how to sign up.
CIM will be closed on Monday, the 4th
in observance of the
Independence Day holiday. Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend celebrating with family and friends!
-Emily Flagstad, CIM Assistant Director
Summer Classes and Camps at CIM
- Registration open now -
Each summer, the CIM plans a selection of fun, creative, physically active, and educational music camps that cater to new and experienced students alike. With a central location at The Celtic Junction, near to the beautiful Newell Park, many CIM camps include a daily jaunt outside to relax in the fresh summer air.
Registration is now open!
Exploring Irish Instruments
(July 18-22 from 9am - 12pm, ages 4-7)
- Introduction to the Irish Harp (August 1-5 from 1-3pm, ages 8-12)
- Playing Together - An Intro. to Ensemble Playing (August 22-26 from 10am - 12pm, ages 8-12)
Summer Group Classes
Our variety of youth and adult ensembles continue over the summer.
Additionally, we are offering several adult song classes to enrich your summer learning! Check out all of the offerings
Summer Private Lessons
contact Lorin directly to schedule private lessons over the summer. Continuing students should have already received an e-mail from Lorin.
Please include the following information:
- Your instrument
- Instructor preference, if any (consult instructors page)
- Availability (weekday during day, weekday evenings, or weekends only - plus times)

Plan to Join us for the
Irish Fair of Minnesota
August 12-14 on Harriet Island!
An Luan Ensemble at Irish Fair 2014
Each year in August we celebrate all things Irish at the Irish Fair of Minnesota. We hope you will join us for a weekend full of family-friendly music, dance, crafts, sports, and fun with friends.
We are asking for your help in staffing our information booth to spread the word about the Center for Irish Music's wonderful classes and programs! Please peruse the schedule
here and sign up for a time slot or two. This is a wonderful way to meet fellow CIM students and families AND to share your enthusiasm for CIM with fair passers-by. Thank you in advance for the generous gift of your time.
Plan on joining us all three days of the fair to hear great music from our ensembles and instructors - and to cheer them on! We will post a CIM performance schedule in our August newsletter. You can also view the

We depend on the expertise and talents of our community to enrich all of the events that we plan each year. We are in
great need of several lead volunteers for Eigse CIM, A Gaela Event. Eigse, our fun night of dinner, an instructors' concert, and silent auction, takes months of planning to execute and run smoothly. If you have time and talents to share, please consider joining the Eigse planning team.
We are specifically looking for:
two volunteers to plan and lead kitchen coordination and one or two volunteers to plan and lead our silent auction. If you are interested, please contact Emily Flagstad.
Monday, July 4
The CIM is closed to celebrate Independence Day. We wish you a safe and fun holiday!
Sunday, July 17
Come enjoy music from our Advanced Youth Ensemble and dancing from O'Shea Irish Dance at
Highland Fest from 12:30-1:30pm. Find us on the stage near the Highland Library.
Monday, July 18 - Friday, July 22
We invite children ages 4-7 to join our
Exploring Irish Instruments camp
! Registration is open now for this fun introduction to the wonderful world of Irish music! 9am - 12pm.
Amazon Smile - Set up your Amazon Smile account to benefit the Center for Irish Music, then use this link every time you shop. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to CIM.
Shutterfly - Shop for photos, cards, invitations, and more and CIM receives 13% of your purchase price.
Thank you in advance for remembering CIM as you do your online shopping!
Find CIM on Social Media
Connect with us!
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the
arts and cultural
heritage fund.
836 Prior Avenue North
● St. Paul, MN 55014 ● 651-815-0083