ISSUE 4 VOLUME 11, June 2016
Municipal Water District Directors Call for Voluntary 10% Conservation Goal
By Jonathan Volzke

Directors of the Municipal Water District of Orange County called on residents to voluntarily reduce their water use, as local water agencies certified that they have enough supply to serve customers for the next three years.

Water agencies throughout California had been under mandatory conservation mandates set by the State Water Resources Control Board. But after a strong water-saving showing statewide and above-average rain and snow in Northern California, the State Water Resources Control Board eliminated specific mandates and ordered that local districts pass a "stress test" showing they have enough water for the next three years - or provide a plan on how they would make up any shortfall.

MWDOC, a wholesale supplier to 28 OC water agencies said water is available for its customers' needs through three more years of drought, however, in the unanimous resolution, MWDOC Directors also called on Orange County residents to continue prudent water conservation efforts of 10 percent compared to the average use in 2013 and 2014. 

Expert: California Delta Not Sustainable
By Jonathan Volzke

Curt Schmutte shakes his head when he hears cries to "restore the Delta." An engineer who has worked decades in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, Schmutte says bluntly what others won't admit: The Delta, California's water hub, is not sustainable under current conditions.
The core discussion isn't about how to move water from North to South, it should be about how to prevent a complete collapse of the Delta region. "The Delta in its current form is not sustainable," Schmutte told a gathering of local leaders at a recent Water Advisory Committee of Orange County meeting. "The Delta is not static; it cannot maintain the status quo, despite forces trying to keep it that way."
OC High School Receives Top Honors at 14th Annual Solar Cup
By Ivan Flores

Representing some of the brightest students in Orange County, four teams from local high schools competed in this year's annual Solar Cup hosted by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Each year Metropolitan hosts the Solar Cup which tests students' creativity and ingenuity and challenges them to build a solar powered boat to run in various types of competitions.
Orange County teams from Anaheim, Huntington Beach, and Laguna Beach participated in this year's competition. Anaheim Public Utility sponsored Serrano High School. Laguna Beach County Water sponsored Laguna Beach High School. City of Huntington sponsored Coast High School.
With their black and yellow striped boat in tow, students from Coast High School in Huntington Beach set out to surpass their performance from last year. Although this was their second year competing, they steered their boat as if they had been competing for years. Coast High School would go on to place 3rd out of the 41 teams that competed in this year's Solar Cup. Laguna Beach High School placed 14th. 

Fuel Trailers Ordered for Water Agencies after Black Out Provides Emergency Test
By Bryce Roberto
The chance of the Big One rocking Southern California increases every day, but few of us are ready for an earthquake that could take out our electricity, our roads, our water supply. We know we should have an emergency kit with a radio and flashlights and batteries and food, more than half of a tank of gas in our vehicle. We know water is the most important -- three gallons of water per person per day - because people can go three weeks without food, but barely a week without water. We know all of that, but we don't act on that knowledge.
Luckily for Orange County (and you), the Big One has yet to happen, but every incident - from minor to major, wildfire to blackout - helps prepare local emergency planners. A 2011 blackout came close to the level of widespread misery the Big One would bring. Large swaths of land in California, Arizona and Mexico fell into darkness, caused by a cascade of errors in the electrical grid. This event, later referred to as the Great Blackout of 2011, would have far-reaching effects for the five electrical utilities directly involved and for various utilities indirectly involved. Ill-prepared motorists were stranded, as fuel stations didn't have power for the pumps and payment systems. The blackout lasted an astounding 12 hours and challenged emergency preparedness and management among water agencies. 

Students Across OC Honored in MWDOC Water Awareness Arts Contest
By Laura Loewen
Forty students from across Orange County were honored for their winning entries in the annual Municipal Water District of Orange County 2016 Poster & Slogan and Photography & Digital Arts Contests.
Reflecting the ongoing California drought, the theme of both contests was "Drip, Drop, Stop." More than 700 entries were received from students ranging from kindergarten to high school.

Winning entries depicted an Earth stressed by wasteful water use, a dark depiction of the world without water and a colorful poster urging shorter showers. The shower poster, by Wagon Wheel Elementary fifth student Alya Podwell, included a real showerhead above the artwork.

Calendar of Events
Upcoming Meetings/Events

July 4.:
 Independence Day Holiday

July 5 @ 8:30 a.m.:
 MWDOC Planning & Operations Committee Meeting

July 6 @ 8:30 a.m.:
MWDOC Workshop Board Meeting

July 13 @ 8:30.:
MWDOC Administration & Finance Committee Meeting

July 18 @ 8:30 a.m.:
MWDOC Public Affairs & Legislation Committee Meeting
July 20 @ 8:30 a.m.:
MWDOC Board Meeting
July 21 @ 8:30 a.m.:
Executive Committee Meeting

July 27 @ 8:30 a.m.:
MWDOC/OCWD Joint Planning Committee Meeting

All meetings are at MWDOC, 18700 Ward Ave., Fountain Valley.  For information on MWDOC meetings and events, please click on the calendar icon above.

Contractors Offer Discount for Smart Irrigation Month

Local licensed landscape contractors are offering a 10 percent discount to new customers in July, in observance of Smart Irrigation Month. 

The Municipal Water District of Orange County and local water agencies partnered with landscape contractors to create this new discount program. 

Sixty percent of the water used in OC is used in outdoor irrigation. 

  Click here for the full story

2016 OC Water Summit Draws Praise

By the time the 2016 OC Water Summit wrapped up on May 20, more than 300 water, civic and business leaders had learned some tips on how to navigate the "Turbulent Times" water agencies face in these times of drought and financial challenges.
"Turbulent Times" was the theme for the summit, the 9th annual summit organized by the Municipal Water District of Orange County and Orange County Water District. 

  Click here for the full story

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South Coast Water Honored for Transparency

South Coast Water District has been recognized for commitment to open government.

General Manager Andrew Brunhart accepted the Certificate of Transparency South Coast Water District received by the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF) in recognition of its outstanding efforts to promote transparency and good governance.
Mesa Workers Saves Worker from Burning Car

Mesa Water District maintenance employees stopped to help direct traffic around a disabled vehicle on their return to the Mesa Water yard this afternoon and instead saved a local senior from a burning car.

El Toro Water Honored with 'District of Distinction' Award

El Toro Water District (ETWD) was reaccredited with the District of Distinction by the Special District Leadership Foundation (SDLF).

ACC-OC Awards the "Golden Hub of Innovation" Winners
Three agencies were among the winners at the fifth annual Golden Hub of Innovation awards. ACC-OC honored these agencies for their high levels of innovation and efficient use of taxpayer dollars last year.

Santa Margarita Water District, The County of Orange Public Works and Orange County Sanitation District were each honored for individual projects.