Prepare for the 2016-17 School Year!

(Not attending WCE?  Click the unsubscribe link at the bottom.)
Welcome from the Fifth  Grade Team!
Welcome to 5th grade!  Our sincere hope for your children is that their fifth grade year will be one filled with unique memories and magical learning experiences.  As the fifth grade teachers, we are excited to partner with your families to continue to 
set  precedents and establish traditions for our community and for 5th grade that will endure for many, many years to come.  We utilize a gradual release of responsibility that is unique to each student based on the level of independence and self-control that they possess and exhibit.  We pride ourselves on developing these traits in our fifth grade students as it sets them up for high levels of success in middle school as reported by the school leaders who receive them following their experience at Westerly Creek. We hope you have a great summer and we look forward to meeting all of you at Wolf Den Welcome on August 18th!                                 

                                                                           (photo left to right: Mrs. Gruber, Ms. Comfort,                                                                             and Mr. Janson)        
(Note: We'll be welcoming new literacy teachers,Jennifer Wiggins and Katherine Strecker, for the coming year. Their bio information will be updated prior to the start of the school year.)
Please read the information below about summer tasks and important back to school event dates.
Summer Social Pool Party
CELEBRATE SUMMER at our WCE Summer Social Pool Party. Friday, Jul y 15 from 7-10 PM at the Puddle Jumper Pool.  Enjoy heavy appetizers, beer, and wine while you meet and mingle with other WCE parents at this casual, kid-free event.  More details and RSVP on the WCE PTA Facebook Page .  Please RSVP by July 13th and spread the word to other WCE families.
Parent Guide to Summer Learning
Did you know that if students stop learning during the summer, they can lose more than two
months of what they learned during the school year? It's called summer learning loss and it can happen to students at all grade levels. Make next year more beneficial for your student by utilizing the
Summer Learning Guide  (also available here in 11 other languages)! It's full of great ideas that you can use to reinforce learning in reading, writing, science and math for students at all grade levels.
Also check out the Family and Community Engagement website for more summer learning resources, like reading suggestions and summer learning programs. And remember, healthy kids make better learners, so focus on the Whole Child by taking advantage of free access to city recreation centers and swimming pools for students through the MY Denver Card program

Book it to the CREEK Summer Reading Program
Participate in our annual summer reading program!  If you are new and want to learn more, or you don't have your reading log or pledge form, please visit the BOOK IT to the CREEK webpage on the PTA website.  Students do not need to fundraise to participate in this program.  The money we do raise goes toward our annual grant to the school to cover many important 
programs and services such as Specials, technology, and Paraprofessional support in classrooms.  And it's a great way to reduce summer learning loss!

Registration Verification for 2016-17 School Year
Every summer, all parents must verify their registration information prior to school starting. Current Kindergarten - 5th grade parents should do so via Parent Portal from Jul 18 - Aug 15, 2016.  ALL ECE, all new Kindergarten families (hasn't attended WCE prior to the 2016-17 school year), and any new 1st-5th grade families without Parent Portal access, must verify in person at the school August 8-10 (post cards will be mailed out with more information).  Please see the general information link below for details about who should complete a paper verification at the school.

School Supplies
Order your school supplies online at in LESS time than it takes to get the kids in the car.  One click and your school supply shopping is done AND a portion of the proceeds benefits Westerly Creek Elementary. EduKits will be shipped to your home and can be brought to school on the first day.   Plan to do your own shopping? School supply lists by grade level can also be found at the EduKit site.

Get more info >

Wolf Den Welcome!
Mark your calendar for this important date! All families should plan to attend this event, which occurs annually on the Thursday prior to the first day of school.   Be here on Aug. 18 from 4:00-7:00pm to find out your child's classroom assignment, get important pre-first day info, and meet the teachers!  Kids also get to participate in fun activities to kick off the new school year.  Check the school calendar and your email for updates as the event nears.

NOTE:  ECE Will host their new family Back to School event from 3-4 PM on this same day.  All ECE Families should attend as it will prepare you for the first day of school.
Parent Handbook
Please become familiar with the Parent/Family handbook, as it  contains important  
information about our school policies and procedures (updates will be made prior to next school year) including but not limited to our school hours, school safety, attendance, discipline, emergency procedures, drop off and dismissal procedures, inclement weather policies, and much more.  Please read this document thoroughly and keep it as a reference.  
Parent Communications
WCE communicates with families in a variety of ways and in some key formats, including email, the WCE and PTA websites, the school calendar, and Facebook.  You will start receiving information on a monthly basis over the summer and on a weekly basis once school begins, via the WCE Family Update ( archived editions can be found on the PTA website), Additionally, grade level updates will occur weekly during the school year. School wide information is also delivered via Facebook, so you should like and follow the WCE Facebook page.  Parents should always check the following resources when looking for important dates and event information , particularly over the summer while school is closed.

Like us on Facebook


WCE needs the PTA and the PTA needs you.  Here's why.  Without parent engagement, the PTA would not be able to provide Book Fairs, provide extra help for our under-served children, raise much needed funds for the school, support educational services in our classrooms, support our Specials program, offer spirit wear, and so much more! Become a member of PTA, serve on a committee, or volunteer for events as your time permits. We will include you as your time and energy allows but we need you to be involved!  Currently we are looking for 6-8 additional people to serve on our Finance Committee.  This committee manages fundraising, sponsorships, and the auction event. If interested, contact PTA President, Scott Lewis
Medications Administered at School
If your child will need to have medications administered at school or kept on site, please prepare all documentation this summer and get appropriate physician's signatures so that you can provide these materials with medications to the nurse on the
first day of school.  

Document for inahlers (athsma plan) >
Pool to School

On August 22nd, the community gathers at the Aviator Pool at 8054 E. 28th Ave, west of Central Park Blvd, to walk to school together on day one.  This is an annual tradition and the group will depart the Aviator Pool promptly at 8:45 AM.  Kindergarten families will meet on Wednesday at the Eye Structure on the green space just north of the school on 29th Ave. to have their annual walk to school as a grade level. Kindergarten families may also participate in the Pool to School event if they wish, but will not officially begin full-day classroom activities until Wednesday.

Back to School Nights

Mark your calendars now for these important dates:

August 18 | ECE Back to School Event | 3-4 PM

August 31 | Kindergarten through 4th Grade Back to School Night | 5-8 PM

September 1 | Fifth Grade Back to School Night | 5:30-7:00 PM


These are parent only events so please plan accordingly (ECE's event takes place just before Wolf Den Welcome so there will be child supervision for parents to attend their presentation).  On August 31, each grade level will repeat their presentation three times at 5, 6, and 7 PM so that parents with children in multiple grades can rotate to the various classrooms.  The Fifth Grade presentation will occur one time on the designated night, so please plan to attend. The ECE Back to School event will take place from 3-4 PM just before Wolf Den Welcome on August 18th.  These are important sessions that will cover grade level expectations, daily schedules, homework, Specials, discipline, grading and assessments for the year.  It's also an important time to sign up to volunteer in various capacities in the classroom.