Good News Update 172 - 30 June  2016 

Make Every Effort to Vote for Christian Values

As we near Election Day we want to share some final encouragements on how to vote for Christian values.  In particular, we want to provide links to some resources to help you to make your vote count. So much is at stake!
But firstly, we thank God for those who have been taking part in the seven days of prayer and fasting for Australia under the #AusPrays2016 hashtag. We believe that prayer is the key to a good result.
So we encourage you to persist in prayer for the 2 days until the close of polling.
At midday today, Mandy Worby, the Music Director for Vision Radio, prayed on radio that, as we prepare to go to the polls, God would grant us great wisdom and discernment to know the key issues that affect our society.  She prayed especially that Australian voters will "put in an effort to understand the parties and their policies" as we vote and put our nation in God's hands.
And so in line with this prayer we want to help you to understand where the different political parties stand on Christian values.  
At this point in time we strongly recommend that you number ALL the boxes for ALL the parties above the line

If you are not able to do this please make every effort to number as many of the boxes above the line as possible.  This means that numbering six boxes is the bare minimum. The more boxes you can number the more your vote can count for Christian values.
Although numbering ALL the boxes for ALL the individual candidates below the line is theoretically the best option, most voters would find this difficult because of the big number involved. But if you do choose to vote below the line, make sure you number well beyond the minimum 12 required.  
Once again we commend to you the Christian Values Checklist released by the Australian Christian Values Institute
Click the table or this link to read details of 21 Christian values assessed
and the back page of explanations
There are two versions of the above Christian Values Checklist ready for you to download and distribute to your friends depending on which state you live in. You can even distribute the two versions. It is up to you!
PDF Format
WA & VIC & QLD Senate
includes the party Australian Christians which only has candidates in those states
All other states
includes the Christian Democratic Party which has candidates in all states
You can see from the ticked green boxes that there are a number of minor Christian-values-based parties included on each sheet. Sadly, not all the parties can fit on the one page sheet, so you will have to do your own research for other candidates and parties you may wish to vote for. 
To make your vote count for Christian values we recommend you check out  two excellent guides, which both refer to the Christian Values Checklist

You can further cross-reference this information with the

Please share this Good News Update with your family and friends and through your networks to help Christians make an informed decision with their vote.
Yours for Christian-values-based Government
David Rowsome & Warwick Marsh

PS  We ask you to prayerfully consider making a donation to the Canberra Declaration by visiting our Donate Page.  This will help cover extra costs associated with the Federal election.  Thank you.

Canberra Declaration 
Warwick: phone 0418 225 212
David: phone 07 34220969