JoyLink July 3, 2016 
Luke 15:11-20a  (VOICE)
The Parable of the Prodigal and His Brother

Once there was this man who had two sons. One day the younger son came to his father and said, “Father, eventually I’m going to inherit my share of your estate. Rather than waiting until you die, I want you to give me my share now.” And so the father liquidated assets and divided them. A few days passed and this younger son gathered all his wealth and set off on a journey to a distant land. Once there he wasted everything he owned on wild living. He was broke, a terrible famine struck that land, and he felt desperately hungry and in need. He got a job with one of the locals, who sent him into the fields to feed the pigs. The young man felt so miserably hungry that he wished he could eat the slop the pigs were eating. Nobody gave him anything.

So he had this moment of self-reflection: “What am I doing here? Back home, my father’s hired servants have plenty of food. Why am I here starving to death? I’ll get up and return to my father, and I’ll say, ‘Father, I have done wrong—wrong against God and against you. I have forfeited any right to be treated like your son, but I’m wondering if you’d treat me as one of your hired servants?’” .  So he got up and returned to his father.
Lucas 15:11-20a  Dios Habla Hoy (DHH)
La parábola del padre que recobra a su hijo

Jesús contó esto también: «Un hombre tenía dos hijos, y el más joven le dijo a su padre: “Padre, dame la parte de la herencia que me toca.” Entonces el padre repartió los bienes entre ellos. Pocos días después el hijo menor vendió su parte de la propiedad, y con ese dinero se fue lejos, a otro país, donde todo lo derrochó llevando una vida desenfrenada. Pero cuando ya se lo había gastado todo, hubo una gran escasez de comida en aquel país, y él comenzó a pasar hambre. Fue a pedir trabajo a un hombre del lugar, que lo mandó a sus campos a cuidar cerdos. Y tenía ganas de llenarse con las algarrobas que comían los cerdos, pero nadie se las daba.  Al fin se puso a pensar: “¡Cuántos trabajadores en la casa de mi padre tienen comida de sobra, mientras yo aquí me muero de hambre! Regresaré a casa de mi padre, y le diré: Padre mío, he pecado contra Dios y contra ti; ya no merezco llamarme tu hijo; trátame como a uno de tus trabajadores.” Así que se puso en camino y regresó a la casa de su padre.
Join Us on Wednesday Evenings at 7pm
AHA: The God Moment that Changes Everything
We've all had "aha!" moments in our lives, times when a sudden revelation surprises us with insight. According to pastor and bestselling author Kyle Idleman, we can experience this same kind of "aha!" in our spiritual lives. With everyday examples and trademark testimonies, Idleman draws on Scripture to reveal how three key elements can draw us closer to God and change our lives for good.

Awakening to the reality of our true spiritual condition, we see ourselves and our need for a Savior with renewed honesty. This realization leads to action, obeying God's commands and following the example set by Christ. As we see in the transformation of the prodigal son, the result is a life-changing, destiny-altering collision—an AHA moment that leads us home to our loving Parent.  

In an effort to keep accurate records, and for periodic follow up, we ask that you please take a moment to record your attendance. As you enter JoyMCC through the front doors, the Attendance sheet will be located on a stand to your left. Please insure you record on the correct sheet (1st and/or 2nd service)Thank you in advance for your help in our accurate reporting.
Joy MCC continues to be filled with giving and talented people like you. These are just a few of the many ways to share your time and talents. To join one of these, or one of our many other ministry teams, or to share a specific talent/skill you may have (ie, computers, networking, webdesign, handywork etc) or if you would like to learn more, please email Angela at
Pull a Post It, Play Your Part
Weekly in the Welcome area, you'll see this board! Check it out and see how YOU can be the church here at JOY and pull a post it and play YOUR part. These are simple things that are needed--places to volunteer, areas to give back, and opportunities to serve! There are 6 categories: Worship, Ministry Teams, Volunteering, Skills, Outdoors and Items. There are a variety of things you can choose and in so doing, you can provide help and hope to those in our community!
In the mid 1980s, Joy MCC's congregation continued to grow.  As a result, Sunday Worship was moved to Gore Hall, the main worship space located at First Unitarian Church, Orlando.

This Sunday is the 1st Sunday of the Month. There will be a 2nd giving opportunity which goes specifically to JOY's Building Fund.  There is still time to reach the goal in our Building Fund Matching Campaign.  Every dollar you give, will be matched by anonymous donors to help pay down the mortgage.  We are more than half way to our goal of $27,000.  Let's Make this goal together!

Monday, July 18th at 6pm
Thursday, July 21st at 7pm
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
6:00pm - SAA Meeting - Page House
7:00 pm - Spiritual Transformation - "AHA: The God Moment that Changes EVERYTHING - Session 4
7:00 pm - Youth Group
Thursday, June 30, 2016
7:00 pm - AA Meeting - Page House
Friday, July 01, 2016
7:00 pm - AA Meeting - Page House

Saturday, July 02, 2016 
5:45pm - CMA Meeting - Page House          

Sunday, July 03, 2016
9:00 am - Sunday Worship, -- Worship Center
10:15 am - 10:40 am -  Fellowship in the Courtyard
10:45 am - Sunday Worship, - Worship Center
 7:00 pm - AA Meeting - Page House

Monday, July 04, 2016
7:00 pm - AA Meeting - Page House
Tuesday, July 05, 2016 

Wednesday, July 06, 2016
6:00pm - SAA Meeting - Page House
7:00 pm - Spiritual Transformation - "AHA: The God Moment that Changes EVERYTHING - Session 5
7:00 pm - Youth Group