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June 2016 Special Edition

Following is an important notice recently sent to IEEE conference organizers from Eileen M. Lach,         General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer - IEEE, regarding required compliance training courses.
IEEE Conferences, Required Compliance Classes

In your leadership role for an IEEE conference, there are certain requirements IEEE needs you to 
meet. One of these is to complete the compliance training courses relevant to the role you have assumed. IEEE adheres to the highest standards of integrity and conducts business around the 
world in a responsible and ethical way. It is important that those who act on the organization's behalf ensure IEEE's compliance by adhering to consistent standards and expectations.

IEEE has taken the lead among not-for-profit membership organizations in adopting a Code of 
Conduct and related policies that set a tone, internally and externally, of respect and fairness in the conduct and treatment of both volunteers and employees.

IEEE has designed a series of courses as part of this new robust ethics and compliance program 
based on best practices which you will need to take given your leadership position with an IEEE conference. These classes are to be completed online within 60 days from when you are notified.

You will be asked to take six short courses relevant to your conference activities in a variety of 
topics ranging from anti-bribery to data privacy. Classes should take a maximum of 3 hours on 
average to complete. If you currently hold another leadership position in IEEE, you will not be 
asked to take these courses again. Most classes will need to be taken once every 1-3 years if
 you remain in your conference leadership position.

You will receive an email from IEEE (email address: [email protected]) with a subject
 line that reads "Access Your Required IEEE Compliance Training." This message will contain a 
link and login instructions to access the online classes assigned to you.

IEEE will be tracking course completions to ensure compliance at the 30 day and 60 day marks.

Taking this training will give you the tools you will need in representing the culture of integrity, 
ethical behavior, and leadership IEEE has adopted in advancing technology for humanity, as well as better inform you about concrete aspects of compliance at IEEE and best practices for not-for-profit membership organizations like ours.

If you have further questions, please visit the IEEE Support Center for Frequently Asked Questions.
Thank you for your cooperation.

Eileen M. Lach
General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer

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