Church of the Epiphany eNews
Our Mission:"We welcome all for Christian worship, fellowship, and service, trusting God to transform our lives and the world."

in this issue

This Sunday

Guest Preacher: Mr. Gabe Giella

July & August Summer Schedule - ONE SERVICE 9:30 a.m.

Mass on the Grass & Community Coffee Hour

Hiking and Holy Eucharist

Bread of Life Food Pantry

Summer Sermon Series:
Praising God with Peanuts

Epiphany's on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram

Next Sunday


Becoming a People and following a God of...
Creativity, Compassion & Connection

Sermons Online

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Dear Epiphany,

  • This Sunday
  • The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
    June 26, 2016

    8 & 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Sermon: Mr. Gabe Giella, Vestry

    Scripture readings:
    1 Kings 19:15-16,19-21
    Psalm 16
    Galatians 5:1,13-25
    Luke 9:51-62
    Read these lessons

    Liturgical Ministers for this Sunday:

    8 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Eucharistic Minister--Rhoda Bucci
    Lector-Carl Mayse
    Ushers-Kristin & Bill Chase
    Greeter-John Guild
    Healing Prayer Team-Janice Johnson & Shirley Baker
    Coffee Hour-The Dalessandro & Pilato Families

    10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
    Altar Server- Michelle Callahan
    Lector-Christopher Utter
    Ushers-Scott Haggerty & Bruce Lambert
    Greeter-Theresa Mello
    Healing Prayer Team-Denise Messier & Susan Mason
    Altar Guild-Carolyn DeOliveira & Michelle Callahan
    Counters-Maurice Holmes & Toppy Carlson
    Coffee Hour-Virginia Rocha, Shirley Baker & Kerry Lonergan
    Lawn Mowers-Helen & Charlie Bodell

    Ice Cream Social after the 10:30 service! Don't miss it!!

  • Guest Preacher: Mr. Gabe Giella
  • This Sunday we thank Gabe, a member of Epiphany's Vestry, for offering the Homily. We are pleased to announce that Gabe has entered the diocesan ordination process and is discerning for Holy Orders of Priesthood. We have assembled a Parish Discernment Team (Emily Dench, Gretchen Gammons, Pam Harrop, Arthur Manning & Fran Motroni) to meet with Gabe over the summer to help him articulate God's call in his life. We look forward to accompanying such a gifted person on this journey and we will share often about his progress! Please keep him and the discernment team in your prayers.

  • July & August Summer Schedule - ONE SERVICE 9:30 a.m.
  • Sundays in July and August: one service of Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m. with coffee hour following. During July, the style will be spoken much like our regular 8 a.m. and include limited music. During August, worship will have full music in the style of 10:30 a.m. In September, the Vestry and Worship Team will evaluate the experience and look forward to hearing your thoughts!

  • Mass on the Grass & Community Coffee Hour
  • July 3, 9:30 a.m. Bring your blanket and/or lawn chair to the rear lawn as we worship outside under the tree. Don't forget to bring a snack to share and we'll enjoy fellowship and refreshments on the lawn afterwards.

  • Hiking and Holy Eucharist
  • SAVE THE DATES to Worship outdoors! Saturday afternoons, July 23, August 27 & October 1, take a hike with your family and the Epiphany community on a local trail, stop halfway for a simple worship service of the weekend's Gospel reading, sharing prayers and celebrating Holy Communion outdoors. Then we'll hike back enjoying fellowship with God's creation and one another and perhaps share a picnic supper together. Stay tuned for details TBD, but save the dates!

  • Bread of Life Food Pantry
  • Additional volunteers are needed to help unload pallets of food delivered to the parking lot at Newman Congregational Church by the RI Community Food Truck on the 1st and 3rd Thursday mornings of the month from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. This volunteer position is great for teenagers and for anyone who enjoys physical exercise! For more information, please contact Maurice Holmes: [email protected]; 401-433-3192.

  • Summer Sermon Series:
    Praising God with Peanuts
  • ....the cartoon, that is!

    Sundays, July 17, 24, 31 and August 7

    "Good grief, Charlie Brown!" Charles Schulz wove a messages of theology, ethics and spirituality throughout his classic cartoon. We'll revisit iconic moments and characters that communicate some aspect of the Good News of Jesus. It will be a light-hearted yet profound series engaging young and old alike.

  • Epiphany's on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
  • Use #epiphanysummer on Instagram (Epiphanyrumford), Facebook and Twitter (@epiphanyrumford) to stay connected to your parish family over the next few months. Post, tag and share images of beauty, God, transformation, community, adventure, hope, re-creation, peace or prayer. Even as we may not always be together in body, we are one in the Spirit - let's share where the Spirit is moving in our world! (And if you don't know what any of this means, don't worry we'll keep you updated in the Enews)!

  • Next Sunday
  • The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
    July 3, 2016

    9:30 a.m. MASS ON THE GRASS
    Sermon: The Rev'd Jennifer Zogg

    Scripture readings:
    Isaiah 66:10-14
    Psalm 66:1-8
    Galatians 6:(1-6)7-16
    Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
    Read these lessons

    Liturgical Ministers for next Sunday:

    9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist-Mass on the Grass
    Eucharistic Minister-Arthur Manning
    Lector-Phil Campbell
    Ushers-Bill Dench & Dave Allen
    Greeters-Patrick & Sydney Trudeau
    Healing Prayer Team-Virginia Rocha & Janice Johnson
    Coffee Hour-Community Coffee Hour (outdoors)
    Altar Guild-Betsy Kelley & Marie Burden
    Counters-Dawn Campbell & Gladys Murino
    Communion Bread-Gabby & Karen Virtue
    Lawn Mowers-Jennifer Brown & Family

    :: (401) 434-5012