Bite-Size Blog #9

BSBs Are Appreciated by Many

But not everyone. After three weeks of "bite-size blogging," I have received mostly positive feedback. On the other hand, there have been more people "unsubscribing" than usual. And that's okay.

It's probably because I am using this Constant Contact mailing list more often than before and some folks just don't like getting so many emails--no matter what the topic. I respect that.

My future blogs will continue to be focused on the many positive aspects of plant-based eating:
  1. Promoting human health
  2. Sustainability of our ecosystem
  3. Saving money
  4. Effortless weight control
  5. Respect for animals
When I post a blog that particularly resonates with you, this 60-second BSB format makes it convenient to share with others. My good friend Jeff Hoyt posted this comment recently:

Love these bite size blogs Jim! I often will save a link to emails I get for later reading and then often don't get to it. These "BSBs" are quick and I'm able to read them right away. Thanks for all you do! The world needs more Jim Hicks'!!!

For a list of all previous Bite-Size Blogs,  click here

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J. Morris (Jim) Hicks    917-399-9700

Sailing away with 4Leaf to health and sustainability
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