KCL Insights
June 23, 2016
Dear Clients and  Friends,
This email contains blog postings and news items from KCL. Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Tips for Avoiding or Responding to Licensing Board Investigations is a series of blog posts written by attorneys Milton Kerstein and Andra Hutchins. In this series we provide practical advice for health care professionals including psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, dentists, and social workers. 

It has been our pleasure to have represented many of you over the years.  Often our conversations would occur by phone or email.  With the advent of social media, we now have a forum to share important insights and information with you all in a proactive manner.  

With this in mind, we thought that we would start with the current state of the laws and regulations regarding cyber security. Generally, as you know, all communications between, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, dentists, and social workers and clients or patients are confidential. There are limitations to that confidentiality that include, among others:  exceptions provided by law and or regulation, written consent of your client/patient, where disclosure is necessary for the safety of clients or others, fee disputes, and certain legal proceedings.



The Massachusetts Security Deposit statute first enacted in 1969 is very complex and requires a landlord to follow certain specific steps to protect the tenants' interests. One such step has recently been clarified. The summary process (eviction) statute specifies that a tenant, facing eviction in a summary process action for either non-payment of rent or because the tenancy is terminated without fault of the tenant, may raise by defense or counterclaims in the proceeding any claim against the landlord relating to the property or tenancy for breach of warranty, breach of the lease or for any other violation of law.

In the recent case of  Meikle vs. Nurse , the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court held that where the landlord has violated the security deposit law, not only can the tenant recover damages for the violation, but that violation can be used as a defense to the claim by the landlord for possession of the property. The court stated that...

Peri S. Kutchin_ Domestic Relations Attorney

Family law  attorney,  Peri S. Kutchin , has completed the required training and is now representing  clients through the Committee for Public Service Children (CPCS) and Family Law Division.

781-997-1600  |

This communication provides general information and does not constitute legal advice. Attorney Advertising. Prior results do not guaranty a similar outcome. Copyright © 2016 Kerstein, Coren & Lichtenstein, LLP. All rights reserved.