Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Church, Los Alamos, New Mexico
Issue #286-- June 22, 2016    

6th Sunday
after Pentecost
June 26     

Sunday Services:  8am Rite I Eucharist, and 
10:30 Rite II Eucharist

Adult Forum: Fr. Chris presents

Coffee Hour
  in Kelly
Hall at 9:00 and 11:45am

The Compline singers are taking their traditional Summer break until Sun. August 28. We hope to see you then at 8 pm. 
More Jokes from Bob:

When a toddler asked the pastor why he wore a clerical collar, the minister explained it was part of the "uniform" for a pastor in their denomination. He then removed it from his shirt for the lad to examine.
"Do you know what it says on the collar?" asked the pastor.
The boy, who didn't know how to read, looked at the letters and guessed, "Kills fleas and ticks up to six months."
How many sopranos in the choir does it take to change a lightbulb?
1. One. She holds the bulb and the world revolves around her.
2. Two. One to hold the diet cola and the other to get her accompanist to do it.
3. Four. One to change the bulb and three to pull the chair out from under her.

A monastery in the English countryside had fallen on hard times, and decided to establish a business to defray their expenses. Other monasteries, they knew, had opened bakeries or wineries. Being English, however, they decided to open a fish-and-chips restaurant. The establishment soon became very popular, attracting people from all over.
One city fellow, thinking himself clever, asked one of the brothers standing nearby, "I suppose you're the 'fish friar'?"
"No," answered the brother levelly, "I'm the 'chip monk'."
Joe was opening a new business, and one of his friends decided to send flowers for the occasion. The flowers arrived and Joe read the card. It said, "Rest in Peace." Joe, enraged, called the florist to complain. The florist replied, "Sir, I'm really sorry for the mistake, but rather than getting angry, you should imagine this: somewhere there is a funeral taking place today, and they have flowers with a note saying, "Congratulations on your new location."

Trinity Tidbits--Week of Pentecost 6
TOTH logo    The Christian life is all about conversion.  Converting our minds from thoughts that harm us and others, converting our souls to be more open to God's call on our lives, converting our passions so we desire union with Christ more than anything else.  But conversion isn't just a one-time event.  Conversion happens every day when we encounter things that try to seduce us away from God's goodness.  Conversion happens when we choose to spend time in prayer rather than watching just one more episode of television.  Conversion happens when we feel anger rising in our hearts yet we choose to pray for someone with whom we disagree. Our parish can only be a truly healthy parish when her members seek Christ with all of their hearts, and desire conversion every day.  Will you help us become an even healthier parish by committing to a life of continual conversion?
The next Smith's Bucks order will be THIS Tuesday, June 28 -- due by Noon 
TOTH's regular order to recharge Smith's Bucks cards is placed every other week, now. This is to try and increase our order and get a larger percentage donation for the church from Smith's. If you don't have a card yet, just put a check in the plate and write "Smith's Bucks new card" on the memo line.
The next deadlines for Smith's orders are the Tuesdays during the week after LANL paydays: June 28, July 12 and 26... Mark your calendars! Thank you for your participation!  
TOTH Elder Group Visits LAPD--June 27
On Monday, June 27, meet at 10 a.m. at the Los Alamos Police Department lobby. The Police Department is in the west end of the Justice Center, which is just west of Ashley Pond. Although the address is 2500 Trinity (the ubiquitous address in the Police Blotter!), don't pay attention to that Trinity address. Enter the parking lot off of Central, across the street from Mesa Public Library.  When you face the building, the Police Department entrance is on your right. (You might want to take a look at the Demonstration Garden, which is between Central and the Justice Center.)  After a tour, we will end up in the conference room where an officer from the LAPD will talk to us about burglary/robbery issues and internet scamming as they might affect us!
TOTH Playground Project Update
    Yeah! The Playground structure is done and ready for use. However, there is no fence yet so watch your kids closely as they play.
     Next step? Jerome Colletti, another Troop 22 Boy Scout will be installing the fence. We are looking at a beautiful, low maintenance, vinyl, privacy fence with gate. We will be announcing work days when they are set.
Read Ahead... The Lessons for June 26th
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost -- Year C 

1 Kings 19:15-16,19-21 and  Psalm 16
Galatians 5:1,13-25 and  Luke 9:51-62

MORE Efficiency in Parish Life Event Planning with "Sign up Genius"!
Parish Life Ministry would like to streamline events and make the distribution of the work load less onerous. We are doing a few things - ensuring events go under the proper ministry so it doesn't all fall back on Parish Life; ensuring there is a coordinator for each event or it won't happen (someone needs to spear head events); online signups for volunteers or food.   
    If you're not receiving emails from (for sign ups at the church), please email me at [email protected].  And if you want to be removed, please also contact me. I have removed a couple of names and added a couple of names already. This is a way to easily sign up to volunteer for set ups, clean ups and potlucks. You can also go to the SignUpGenius web site and click at the top right to look for sign ups. At the next page, enter my email and the security letters. You'll be directed to our TOTH sign ups. Currently we have 3 - Laurie's ordination RSVP and food, graduation BBQ and coffee hour.   Michelle Carr
Ivette and Ruben's new home on Questa Street is well on its way, thanks to the many faithful volunteers who have given up their Saturdays to help out this spring and summer.  Special thanks to those from our parish family who have felt called to this ministry, serving as God's hands to provide shelter to a deserving family.  July 16 we hope to have a larger TOTH presence at the work site, and make it a party!   Lunch will be provided, and plans are forming to have child care at church to enable younger parents to participate.  Questions or comments, please call Cathy Walters. Sign up sheets and more details will be announced soon!
"Virtual Machine" Assistance Needed 
Jane, our office IT person, would like to learn more about "virtual machines" to see if this would be good for our office computer setup.  If anyone in our parish knows how to setup and use virtual machines and would be willing to instruct Jane on them please contact the Church office and let us know.  Thank you. 
from In The Loop

Donations to help fire victims
Bethel Community Storehouse, Moriarty, NM, is acting as fiscal agent for donations to help the victims of the Dog Head wildfire.
Checks may be written to:
    Bethel Community Storehouse,
    Memo: Fire
and mailed to:
   Bethel Community Storehouse
   1719 4th Street
   Moriarty, NM 87035
Credit Card donations may be made at: 
Be sure to put "Fire Donation" in the description.
    Church of the Holy Cross, Edgewood, one of Bethel's
founding churches, is working with Bethel for provide help.
for more information visit

You are invited Senior Brunch & Jazz 
with the Bishop
July 8th, 10:30am-1pm
Bosque Center
RSVP: Toye Robertson

Scholarships Available for Camp Stoney this Summer!

The awarding of M'lisa Bale Scholarships for Camp Stoney for 2016
is based on need. Need is not restricted to financial need.
The Board recognizes that need includes social, emotional, educational and family related issues. Applicants need not be Episcopalians.   All Applicants must have their application submitted by the Rector, Vicar or Priest in Charge of an Episcopal congregation. Applications are available at 
Upon your receipt of a completed application, please insure that both the applicant and parent or legal guardian have signed the application.
We will award scholarships for the full $125.00 for each camper selected for a scholarship. Narnia Camp is June 27--July 1, which will NOT be our VBS week. 
Safeguarding Our Children--the online training 
Due to upgrades in the Online Training, the enrollment process for Safeguarding Our Children has changed.
The link on the
Home Page of the Diocesan website 
will take you there, or... to enroll, click here 
Once an individual has registered, they can access the new system by going to 
and clicking the link at the bottom of the page.
Please also check to see which modules the Diocese recommends for which role with children. The chart is available in the office and on the diocesan website. One must renew their training every three years. 
Looking for all of the worship services and devotional content of the BCP along with the full lectionary texts in one app?
Look no further than the eCP app! By Church Publishing, Inc.
Open iTunes to buy and download apps. $9.99
Marriage as a Path to Holiness   
What should a Christian marriage look like?
How can we help our spouse draw closer to God?
Where can we look for good examples of Christian married life?
A lecture entitled "Marriage as a Path to Holiness" by Dr. David and Dr. Mary Ford will be presented on the evening of June 25th, at 5pm, at the new facilities of Saint Job of Pochaiv Orthodox Church at 1319 Trinity Drive. 
We are offering this lecture on the Eastern Christian concept of marriage for the strengthening and uplifting of married couples and the illumination of those considering marriage. 
It is free and open to the public and there will be light refreshments served.  
The lecture will be preceded by Great Vespers at 4pm.
Come and See!
Yours in Christ,
+Theophan Mackey
Summer Faith & Science Dinner & Discussion on Wednesdays 
Wednesday, June 22: Awareness and Cooperation: To be human is to relate and cooperate in unique ways
Becoming aware of one's environment, one's self, and others (from knowing that you are seeing the reflection of yourself in a mirror to imagining yourself as someone else in a complicated fictional work) shows a gigantic range of development in how humans view themselves and others in the world.  This awareness leads to the qualities of compassion, empathy, love, and cooperation.  Being able to depend on what others are likely to do in a given situation allows us to assist in common efforts and avoid situations that may be unpleasant or dangerous.  Knowing that we can depend on others allows us to choose specialized occupations and know that others will provide for the necessities that we cannot provide ourselves.   We will examine these issues and ask ourselves the question: "Are awareness and cooperation the sparks that make humans unique or are we simply more adaptable at this ability than other animals that show the same abilities to different degrees?" 
About our presenter:
Eric Ferm was raised in the Episcopal church and has been a member of Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church for the last 34 years where he is a member of the church choir and the Stephen Ministry team. He has been involved with the LA Forum on Science and Faith from its inception.   Eric has always enjoyed science, taking all of the chemistry, physics and mathematics he could in high school and college. He has always found enjoyment in studying topics on the history and philosophy of science and religion and the intersection between them. He obtained a PhD in Applied Mathematics in 1981 and worked on fluid mechanics problems and analysis of problems and experiments involving fluids and dynamic solid movements of interest to Los Alamos National Laboratory for nearly 31 years.   Eric has been retired since 2012 giving him more time for traveling around the world, barbershop and chorus singing, and enjoying being a new grandfather.
Habitat for Humanity of Espanola and Los Alamos 
Work on Ivette's house continues every Saturday from 9am to 3pm and on the first two Fridays of each month. To volunteer, contact the Habitat of Espanola and Los Alamos office:
   Habitat for Humanity of Espanola Valley & Los Alamos, Inc.
   Office 505-747-2690, Cell 505-614-5853
   726 N. Riverside Dr., Espanola NM 87532
Contact Information
Please email Cynthia Biddlecomb to have an event or notice sent to the Parish. Deadline is Wednesday at noon.

[email protected], 662-5107