Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass NewsletterVolume 83 - April 12th, 2013
Upton Bass
In This Issue
Kristin Korb
ISB Convention

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Kristin Korb

We've been chatting a lot with Kristin Korb lately as she is the President Elect for the International Society of Bassists.  She's got a new album AND she's running the upcoming ISB convention in June.  Talk about a busy schedule!

Check her new album out, and then check them all out!
Rochester, NY
June 2-8, 2013
Eastman School of Music
Rochester, NY

If you play, teach, or just love the bass, then the ISB is for you!

First step to going to the convention is to be an ISB member.  The quarterly magazine alone is reason to join, so head on over to the convention website and become a member or renew your membership today!

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