June 16, 2016

So much is happening in healthcare -- locally and nationally -- particularly in the public health arena. We're glad to know News2Use is one of the resources helpful to you in staying current in our fast-changing world. 

The Staff of KCNA 

News2Use is published monthly for KCNA members and other nurses throughout King County. To comment or submit content, email rose@kcnurses.org.
Spotlight on. . .
June is National CMV Awareness Month

This month, help raise awareness about cytomegalovirus (CMV). CMV is common and harmless in the general population, but when pregnant women have the infection, one in three will pass the virus to their unborn babies. Roughly 30,000 babies are born with congenital CMV each year, and more than 5,000 suffer from permanent problems. It's estimated that only 9% of women know about CMV, so health practitioners are encouraged to discuss this potential health risk with their clients who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.
More information is available here.

Nursing News and Clinical Issues
Medicare proposes rule change regarding antibiotics 
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released a proposed rule change to its Conditions of Participation that would require hospitals to implement antibiotic stewardship programs. According to CMS, the rule change would  reduce the incidence of healthcare-associated infections and inappropriate antibiotic use, and strengthen patient protections overall. 
       Antibiotic overuse and misuse are generally recognized as serious public health problems. Drug-resistant bacteria cause 2 million illnesses and 23,000 deaths annually; studies have shown stewardship programs may lower antibiotic use by almost 20 percent and have linked these programs to a drop in infection rates. For more information, click here.

CDC issues warning about pan-drug-resistant bacteria
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Health Action Network (HAN) warning for healthcare facilities to be on the alert against pan-drug-resistant bacterial strains in the U.S. In May, the Department of Defense announced that  E. coli bacteria carrying the mcr-1 gene were found in a urine sample from a person in Pennsylvania , with no recent travel outside the country. The mcr-1 gene makes bacteria resistant to the antibiotic colistin, which is used as a last-resort drug to treat patients with infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. A rapid public health response is underway to identify and contain any potential spread of the bacteria. Read more about this important issue here.

Painkillers have a "darker side"

A dramatic increase in the use of painkillers, and their ability to trigger abuse, addiction and overdose is in the news most every day. Now opioids like morphine have been shown to paradoxically cause an increase in chronic pain in lab rats, findings that could have far-reaching implications for humans. Researchers discovered that the pain signals from a peripheral injury combined with subsequent morphine treatment worked together to cause a glial cell signaling cascade. The cascade produces a cell signal from a protein that increases the activity of pain-responsive nerve cells in the spinal cord and brain. That can cause increases in pain duration lasting several months. Read more here
And more news about pain relievers. . .
I n some studies, NSAIDs have been associated with a  decreased risk of cognitive decline. More information here .

CDC plans rapid response to Zika transmission
Federal health officials at the CDC plan to send a rapid-response team to any U.S. communities that report local transmission of the Zika virus. The organization is closely monitoring six southern U.S. states for local transmission. The multi-level response plan will include case monitoring to curtail infection spread, testing, timely investigation and prompt communication with the public. The primary vector for Zika transmission is the  Aedes aegypt i mosquito, which can be found throughout the southern U.S. Read more .

"Wristwatch" system for those with asthma
Scientists have developed a wearable sensor system--a watch-like wristband and a chest patch--that can predict and prevent asthma attacks.  The Health and Environmental Tracker (HET) monitors ozone, relative humidity and ambient temperature, as well as the wearer's motion, heart rate, and blood oxygen level. For more information, click here.

Continuing Nursing Education
Summer Institute to provide public health training
The Northwest Center for Public Health Practice is offering a Summer Institute for Public Health Practice, August 1-3 at the University of Washington. This two-and-a-half day, hands-on training is for public health practitioners to build critical skills needed for the future of public health.  This program explores the social drivers of health and builds core skills. Participants choose an area of focus from three courses, attend a plenary session, and network with other professionals. The registration deadline is July 1. To read more and register, click here.

Heart of Relaxation to offer stress-reduction classes
Feeling stressed? Time to slow down and savor your life? Plan to attend Summer Community Stress Reduction classes, Thursdays July 7-28, 5:30-7 p.m. at Swedish Ballard Hospital. Learn soothing practices to build resilience and buffer stress and develop a personalized stress reduction plan. Presenter Christine Prenovitz, MSW, E-RYT-500 is a respected stress management coach and certified yoga instructor with specialized training in working with people who have chronic health issues. For more information, visit www.heartofrelaxation.com. To register, email heartofrelaxation@gmail.com or phone 206/517-9922. 

Can you help??
Volunteers needed at Seattle-King County Clinic in October
The third annual Seattle-King County Clinic is scheduled for October 27-30 at Key Arena at the Seattle Center. This free, volunteer-driven health clinic provides a full range of medical, dental and vision services to underserved and vulnerable populations. As a sponsor of the event, King County Nurses Association invites members to participate. Over the past two years, with volunteer help, the clinic has provided $6.1 million in care to 7,400 people in need. If you are able to help out this year, or require more information, click here
YouthCare seeking specific household items
YouthCare, an organization that helps get homeless youth off the streets, is looking for specific donations to help young adults moving into their housing programs or first apartments. These young people have worked hard to gain stability, build confidence and plan for their futures, and donations can help them create a home and provide much-needed comfort. Items needed include: small kitchen appliances, kitchenware, new kitchen and bathroom towels, sheet sets and new pillows, alarm clocks, cleaning supplies, paper products, vacuums and mops, laundry detergent and baskets, and gift cards. Needed items can be delivered weekdays 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at 2500 NE 45th, Seattle 98105, or purchased from YouthCare's wishlist on Amazon.com. For more information: 206/204-1412 or donations@youthcare.org .

Marshall your resources
Tobacco cessation app available to Washington smokers

The Washington Department of Health offers the SmartQuit app for free to Washington smokers who want to quit. SmartQuit was developed at Fred Hutchinston Cancer Research Center and uses a unique a cceptance and commitment therapy to help people learn new ways to deal with their urges to smoke. A referral from a health provider is the greatest predictor of someone signing up and using a smoking cessation program. DOH provides promotional materials for free to health providers, including flyers and business card handouts. DOH continues to offer Quitline and participants of SmartQuit are not excluded from using Quitline services. Click here for additional information about SmartQuit 4. 

King County Nurses Association | (206) 545-0603 |  http://www.kcnurses.org
4649 Sunnyside Avenue North  Room 352   Seattle, WA 98103