E-Arkive The Electronic Newsletter for Ark and Dove

All are welcome this Sunday for Communion at both the 9:30 am Traditional and 11:00 am Contemporary Worship Service!


Dear Friends,

We head into summer now with school out and the astonishing recent experiences of two awesome music Sundays at Ark and Dove.  A deep sense of gratitude comes from having experienced the Band's Rend Collective music and the presentation of the John Rutter Mass by our choirs.  And so now we can take a page from the music leaders playbook.  We can rest.   We can Sabbath. We can recharge our batteries.  Although there will not be mid-week music rehearsals as much during the summer, there will be pick up band  and pick up choir and weekly worship, but the pace slows.  In July, the Session and the Deacons, as well as the choirs, take a break from evening meetings, some small groups go on hiatus and the staff often leaves the church office early on Friday.   On Sunday July 24, we will have a single 10:30 worship service.   It's a biblical concept, this rest called Sabbath, and I invite you to Sabbath as well. Jesus often retreated to a quiet place to meditate and pray. Worship each Sunday, but take your weeks slower and differently.  Find some time for quiet reading, bible reading and reflective prayer.

Part of summer Sabbath at Ark and Dove is the Logos Gen-On conference for youth in July, T he Center youth mission trip, which starts this Wednesday and the Habitat Youth and Young Adult Mission Trip next week.   When we retreat, when we disengage from the regular schedule, and when we engage in hands-on mission, worship and study, we also recharge.

In a recent study group, some of us discussed the book, The Christian Wallet, by Mike Slaughter. Chapter three is entitled "Conscious Spending" where among other issues Rev. Slaughter asks us to consider whether the companies we do business with pay their employees fairly.  Here is a link to an article at PCUSA.org about the growing support for a boycott against the Wendy's fast food chain.  At its recent meeting in Louisville, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board officially endorsed the call for a national boycott. They buy their tomatoes from companies who violate the human rights of their farm workers.  15 years ago our youth were among many who pledged no Taco Bell and our  boycott worked.

Lastly, the Session met this week and had a terrific meeting discussing the many wonderful ministries of our church and wonderful things that are happening in our church. Worship attendance is up, Sunday School Attendance is up, wonderful music programs, great summer trips for youth, great adult small groups and friendships.  Unfortunately, the great Spirit in our church has become somewhat disconnected  from our stewardship. We find ourselves scratching our church heads.  We live in a community of abundance, yet pledged and un-pledged giving are both behind and for the first time in many years, the Session had to adjust our ministry budgets downward.  This is a call for extra commitment giving, catch-up giving and prayerful consideration of new pledging and giving.   Our Christian Wallets need a reset.

Peace of Christ, 
Pastor Tim

FAMILY FUN NIGHT TOMORROW, Saturday, June 18, 5-7:30 pm. Kick off the summer at Ark and Dove's Family Fun Night! Bring your favorite dish to share for a potluck supper from 5-6 followed by lots of great activities for all ages from 6-7:30.  All are welcome! Bring your friends and neighbors!

Questions? Contact Donna Anderson, donna.anderson30@aol.com or Nicole Howe, nicolehowe123@gmail.com.  We're looking forward to a fun night of fellowship for all!   


Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. --From 1 Kings 19
God of the silence: We keep ourselves busy. We turn on the TV as soon as we are home. We turn on the radio as soon as we turn on the engine. We run from here to there and back again with breakneck speed. And then, we wonder where you are. Help us to rest, make us comfortable with quiet, turn us to silence, and teach us to slow down. And as we do, may we find you in the stillness, in the silence. Amen.    


Thank you to everyone who participated in Mass of the Children and to everyone who came to join us for worship.  I hope that the music touched your heart as much as it did mine.  There were so many people who made this piece possible.  Thank you to our incredible Adult Choir, and everyone who joined the choir.  Thank you to all of the children in Joyful Noise and their incredible parents, for being so incredibly dedicated and getting the kids to the many rehearsals.  And thank you to Amy Paronto and Carla Thomas, for joining our incredible orchestra.  We are so blessed to have so many talented people in our congregation.  

If you would like a copy of the recording, please get in touch with me or someone in the choir.  There are CDs available.  

Thank you all for your continued support of the music ministry here at Ark and Dove.



DONATE Online!
Per Capita Special Offering and General Donation. Many opportunities await you!

Outreach and Connection

NEW MEMBERS/INQUIRERS CLASS TOMORROW, Saturday, June 18, 8:30am thru 12:30pm. Please join us for a New Members/Inquirers Class where you can meet other people who have been visiting Ark and Dove and enjoy breakfast and fellowship.  This "no obligation" class is just for you if you want to learn more about Ark and Dove and what it means to be a member. We'll provide breakfast and childcare.  Hope to see you there!  Sign-up sheet in the lobby, or email Donna Anderson, Outreach and Connection Elder, donna.anderson30@aol.com.  
Mission Ministry

AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE PINTS FOR PEACE We stand for love. We stand against hate, violence, terror and extremism. We stand with the LGBTQ, Muslim, Latino and Orlando communities. YOU CAN TOO.

DATE: Sunday, July 3, 2016, 9:00 am-1:30 pm
LOCATION: First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall
171 Duke of Gloucester St., Annapolis MD 21401
enter "firstpresbyterianannapolis" in the blue box
FREE PARKING: Hillman Parking Garage
CONTACT: www.annapolis-presbyterian.com / 410.267.8705


Children, Youth and Young Adults

SUNDAY SCHOOL FIELD DAY this Sunday, June 19th!  Youth! Come in your play clothes to the 9:30 service this Sunday as we are having Field Day.  Mrs. Amy will be leading us in games that we can play outside.  Of course we could certainly use the help of any high schooler or middle schooler who wants to help us as assistants.  Sunday school during the 11:00 am service will be a regular Sunday school class that is open to all children pre-K through the 5th grade.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Registration is now open for Vacation Bible School, July 31st - August 4th, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Please visit www.arkanddove.org to register.  We are also looking for volunteers (adults, high school and middle school youth) to help us make "Water All Around the World" VBS a real blessing for all! For questions or to get involved in this great opportunity, please contact Pastor Jon, jgnelson1985@gmail.com or Kim Champagne, kim.champagne@gmail.com. 

SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Please sign up to help teach Summer Sunday School! All adults who feel the call are encouraged to sign-up as teachers or assistants this summer.  High school and middle school aged students are encouraged to help as assistants, especially with our youngest children.  See Kim Champagne about the potential for service learning credit, too.  A sign-up sheet is now in the lobby for both services.  You sign up, and we supply the lesson and necessary materials! See Kim (kim.champagne@gmail.com) or Pastor Jon for more details.

Creation Care Ministry

CREATION CARE MINISTRY Thank you to all who attended the blessing of our Riverwise rain garden on Sunday.  It was a great experience for all those involved and we were able to share with other churches the steps we have taken to protect our corner of the Earth. Someday soon it will actually rain and we will see the rain garden and barrels in action.  There are still a few little to do items to finish the rain barrel install -  please contact me if you are able to do a bit of painting, setup some soaker hoses, or complete a minor PVC plumbing project.

On Thursday, June 23rd at 6:30pm, we will be having the first meeting of our newly re-established Creation Care ministry.  There are several people who have already expressed an interest in this ministry, but anyone is welcome just to drop by.  We will meet for one hour just to discuss what kind of things we would like the Creation Care Ministry to accomplish through events and educational opportunities.  Please let me know if you would like more information, Rob Yeager, rubarb72@verizon.net.

Graduates 2016


Connor Barrett, Arundel High School 
Madeline Beaudry, Arundel High School 
Hayden Brecheen, Old Mill High School 
Kaitlyn Comer, Arundel High School 
Jessica Gaurin, Old Mill High School 
Ryan Wallis, Arundel High School 

Amy Bergersen, Interpreter Preparation Program Certificate 
Emily Burnett, The New School, MA 
Lindsay Ederheimer, University of South Florida BS 
Benjamin Westover, Texas A and M University 

But I am like a healthy olive tree.
My roots are deep in the house of God. I trust in your faithful love
for ever and ever.  Psalms 52:8
Prayer Concerns

PRAYER CONCERNS Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Pasha; Hank Hanburger; Janet Dabbs; Brett; Laurie Barrow; Kirsten Seidler; Jim Lewis; Rebecca; Dot Bruno; Nora Chidlow; Florence Myers; Ann Hirschy; Carol Baily; Laura Talbert; Mary Benson; Norma Forgrave, Minnie Bradley; Dot Forloines; Henry Duncan; Jason DeVono; Christian Noll's father, Craig Noll; Pat Stanton's brother-in-law, Ken Hare; Marlene DeHaven; Shelly Franklin's father, Arlo; Bill Champagne's mother, Patricia; Ryan Stavely's grandfather; Pat Stanton's niece, Karen; Jane Biondolillo's sister, Betsy; Amy Tardiff's brother-in-law, Brian; Amy Bergersen's friend, Krissy Hanneken; Briana; Kelly Burnett's husband, Chip; Adell Gaurin's and Laura Brecheen's friend, Scott Evans; Ashley Ricciuti; Preston Ritchie; a young person in need of guidance; and Lester Dabbs who has been hospitalized.

THE LOVE AND PRAYERS OF THE CONGREGATION go out to Ray Bussey and family on the death of Ray's father, Raymond W.   

PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING from Jim and Linda Lewis as Jim continues to progress well in his healing.

THE LOVE AND PRAYERS OF THE CONGREGATION go out to the family, friends and loved ones of those who were killed by the the Orlando, FL shooting and for those who are trying to recover.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Sue Hanburger at avongypsygal@gmail.com, and she will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.   
8424 Piney Orchard Parkway  
Odenton, MD  21113
Phone: (410) 674-6400 
Fax: (410) 674-6481 
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