Fall is creeping into Alaska and more birds are gearing up to migrate. Despite a cold, rainy Saturday, people still turned out to enjoy the cranes at the Tanana Valley Sandhill Crane Festival in Fairbanks last weekend. The Sandhill Cranes still put on a good show at Creamer's Field Important Bird Area. Many of the cranes had chicks from this year, called colts, in tow. Listen closely in this video and you may hear the high-pitched piping of the colts mingling with the bugling of adults. The colts will stay with their parents through this first migration and winter. As birds head south, in this issue of the eNews learn about what's going on in the Arctic Ocean and President Obama's brief migration to Alaska, enjoy a photo review of highlights from our Anchorage summer bird walks, and more!
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This has been an action-packed month for the Arctic Ocean. Shell began drilling July 30, but had to suspend work for several days on August 28 because of gale-force winds.
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When you head out birding this fall, shade your eyes with a brand new Bird of the Year Snowy Owl hat! We have three snazzy colors: black, blue, and maroon. Hats are $20, plus $5 shipping if you would like it mailed to you. We also have Spectacled Eider hats available in black, burnt orange, blue, light green, and kaki. All profits go to support Audubon Alaska's work to protect the amazing birds of this state. Support Audubon Alaska in style!
To order your hat, please contact
Michelle LeBeau
or call (907) 276-7034. We have a limited supply at the office so shipping times may vary.
Are you organized, efficient, and looking for an energetic and creative office atmosphere? Audubon Alaska's Finance and Operations Manager will develop and implement strategies to promote efficient office and organizational management that supports team success. This person will provide general business guidance and support to the team on issues of financial management and reporting, fundraising, contracting, human resources, outreach, and government and foundation grants. Serve as our financial/human resources liaison with the National Audubon Office, and overall help keep our office running smoothly!
More Info and Online Application
Ready to traipse with Toucans or stroll with Scarlet Macaws? This February, join Audubon Alaska for the birding trip of a lifetime to Costa Rica! L
ed by an expert local guide along with Audubon Alaska's Conservation Science Director Melanie Smith, this trip offers a unique opportunity for participants to interact with Costa Rica's birds while learning about them. Best of all, a portion of the proceeds of the trip go to support Audubon Alaska's bird conservation efforts.
There are only a few spots left, so register by October 31!
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Many thanks to Hannah Uher-Koch, our summer Important Bird Area Assistant, for coordinating and leading the Anchorage Coastal IBA walks this summer! See the full photo album on our
Facebook Page
Hannah will be starting her Master's Degree at the University of Alaska Anchorage this fall studying Yellow-billed Loons in the NPRA.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by to support Audubon Alaska and get a signed copy of Bob Armstrong's 6th edition of the Guide to Birds of Alaska
in early August
More than
70 people attended this First Friday event.
Author Bob Armstrong has generously agreed to donate part of the proceeds from every book to Audubon Alaska!
If you weren't able to
join the party in person, you can still support Audubon Alaska when you buy a copy and enjoy this fantastic guide to the birds of Alaska, including photos of the rare wanderers that drop in from time. The book is available in Alaska bookstores or on Amazon.com.
Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel by Carla Stanley, US Fish & Wildlife Service |
Last Month's Quiz Bird Last month's quiz bird was the Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel.
Stephens Passage/Port Snettisham global Important Bird Area lies in the island-dotted waters between Admiralty Island and the mainland south of Juneau. More than 17,000 birds of this species gather in here in the fall, drawn by the
deep fjord waters that provide mussels and crustaceans for fine dining.
Can you identify the species? Hint: A nickname for this sea duck is the "poor man's puffin."
The pause in drilling only highlights what Audubon has said for years: drilling in the harsh environment of the Arctic Ocean is just too risky.
"We can't clean up an oil spill in the Arctic Ocean. An oil spill at the wrong time and place could have devastating impacts on wildlife and the people that rely on that wildlife," said Jim Adams, Audubon Alaska Policy Director. "Shell's string of mishaps in 2012 and the current attempt to drill would be comical if the consequences weren't deadly serious. Shell has proven it can't be trusted with America's Arctic Ocean and the wildlife there."
Meanwhile, litigation challenging Shell's exploration permit and the original lease sale in which the company bought its Arctic Ocean leases continued this month. Although both cases are on a fast track, we are unlikely to hear from the judges in either case any time soon. Sometimes the wheels of justice grind slowly.
Finally, President Obama's visit to Alaska this week gave Audubon an opportunity to shine a spotlight on urgent energy and climate change issues such as offshore drilling in the Arctic Ocean. Audubon Alaska participated in a science symposium for the media, highlighting our work with our partners to develop the most comprehensive, science-driven set of wildlife maps available for the Arctic Ocean. Here are a few samples:
As President Obama wraps up his Alaska visit, send a letter
telling him drilling in the Arctic Ocean is too great a risk
Thank you for supporting Audubon Alaska.
Happy Birding!
Beth Peluso, Communications Manager
Audubon Alaska