Happy Birthday to a legend in Children's Literature! Beverly Cleary turns 100 years old on April 12th! (Find out how I'm celebrating below). And sadly, we said good-bye to another legend as
Harper Lee, author of To Kill a Mockingbird, passed away in February. Did you know that Truman Capote was her childhood neighbor?
You didn't grow up in Henderson, Kentucky as I did without getting a huge exposure to country music (record player on weekend mornings blasting Marty Robbins and such). So, it is with joy that I'm looking forward to seeing Loretta Lynn in concert. My parents would have loved it!
Speaking of my hometown, I get to visit it in April. It will be great to see old friends and make new ones. I'll be visiting schools in Henderson County, Kentucky and signing at the Evansville, IN Barnes and Nobles on May 21st at 3:30. Then I'll hop in my little red car and relive my college days by visiting Bowling Green for the Southern Kentucky Book Festival. I'll be signing both days (April 22nd and 23rd), as well as speaking at 1:00 on the 22nd and 11 on the 23rd. Hope to see you!
Children's Book Week is the first week of May. I'm thrilled my newest book, Twist and Shout, will splash into the world on May 17th. It is available now for pre-order for your favorite mermaid and sea horse fans to enjoy.
But let's not forget about April: It's
poetry month! So have some fun with mermaid poetry in this
teaching unit for The Polar Bear Express or get straight to learning about acrostic, cinquqin, haiku, and free verse with these
poetry teaching cards. It's also School Library month, so don't forget to thank a librarian!
Some of my favorite Facebook sightings.
To honor Beverly Cleary on her 100th birthday and to celebrate my 57th, I'd like to send you a free Mermaid Tales T-shirt. Please tell me your favorite story of mine AND your favorite Beverly Cleary story on my
Facebook author page to be entered to win. Drawing on May 18th, my birthday! Can't wait? Order your own from PayPal by clicking
And if you're planning ahead for a visit to Ashville, NC, I hope to see you at Spellbound Children's Bookshop on May 21st where I'll be autographing at 3:00. Hope you have an amazing April and that's no April Fool's! Best, Debbie