Protect, Preserve, & Interpret Alabama's Historic Places
468 S Perry St, Montgomery, AL 36104   ( 334) 230-2690
In This Issue
Calendar of Events

November 12-14
Confederate Memorial Park
Shelby District Boy Scout Camporee
Contact the museum at

November 12 - December 31
Alabama State Capitol---Alabama Folk's Art Project exhibit. Contact
Lisa Franklin,
November 19-20
Open House, 8:00am to 4:30pm, Contact
Lisa Franklin,

December 4
Christmas Tree Lighting and Open House, 5:30pm to 7:00pm
December 4
Candlelight Evening, part of the Demopolis Christmas on the River, 5:00pm to 8:00pm, 
Call 334-289-4846 for more information
December 5
Christmas Open House, 10:00am to 2:00 pm.

December 5
Christmas in the South, Alabama Division, Children of the
 Confederacy, 11:00am. Contact Bill Rambo 205-755-1990
December 5
Happy Birthday Alabama Tour, 10:00am - 11:00am
Call 334-872-8058 for more information
December 6
A Plantation Christmas,  1:00pm - 5:00pm
Adults - $8.00
Children - $4.00
Under 6 years old - Free
Call 256-710-9081 for more information
December 19
10:00am - 3:00pm
Call 256-637-8513 for more information
Recent Press Releases

National Register Review Board Meeting

In the News

The Alabama Historical Commission Goes Before the Sunset Committee
Dear AHC Friends & Supporters,

On Thursday, October 22, 2015, the Alabama Historical Commission appeared before a Joint Legislative Sunset Committee for a periodic review and renewal of its authorization to continue operations as a state agency. The recommendation of the Sunset Committee was to continue with the AHC program. This decision will go to the full House and Senate during the 2016 regular session for final action.

"The Alabama Historical Commission had a good exchange with the Legislative Sunset Committee today," said Jim Day, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners. "I appreciate the support of my fellow Commissioners, the AHC staff, and many "friends of history" who turned out on our behalf.  The tenor of the meeting seemed positive overall, and I am optimistic as we move ahead.  This truly was a group effort!"

There are ways you can continue to show your support for the Alabama Historical Commission and for the state's other historical agencies. Watch for additional alerts before and during the 2016 legislative session, when legislators will make decisions of enormous magnitude for the organizations charged with preserving the state's historical resources. You can also join several of the Facebook pages created by these organizations and support groups such as Alabama History Advocacy .

The Alabama Historical Commission Welcomes New Personnel
Hannah Garmon is from the small town of Cordova, Alabama. She attended the University of North Alabama and earned a bachelor's degree in History with a minor in Political Science. She earned her master's degree in May of 2015 in History with a concentration in Public History. She currently works with the Alabama Bicentennial Commission as the Assistant to the Education Committee where she has focused on educational programming for schools. She is also working with the Alabama Historical Commission as a Cultural Resource Specialist.
Jacqulyn Kirkland is a native of Dothan, Alabama. She holds a bachelor degree in biology from Troy University, a bachelors degree in anthropology from the University of South Alabama, and a masters degree in museum studies from the Johns Hopkins University. Jacqulyn has worked in several areas of public history including the University of South Alabama Center for Archaeological Studies, the USA Archaeology Museum and the History Museum of Mobile. She has combined elements from her experiences -- along with her passion for education and design skills -- in creating her professional portfolio.  Jacqulyn has participated in numerous archaeological digs, conducted archival and photographic research for two best-selling authors, and is an expert event planner and a social media and marketing professional. She is the Alabama Historical Commission's Marketing & Public Relations Manager.

National Register Review Board Meeting
The Alabama Historical Commission held the National Register Review Board meeting on Thursday, October 29 at 10:30am in the Carriage House.

The nominations presented at the October 2015 meeting include
Pinson Hills Historic District, Jefferson County
Pinson Main Street Historic District, Jefferson County
Downtown Tuscaloosa Historic District (boundary change), Tuscaloosa County
(last updated February 20, 2014)
Since February 2014 the National Park Service has listed the following in the National Register of Historic Places:
March 26, 2014 - Fayette County Courthouse Historic District Update and Boundary Increase in Fayette, Fayette County
March 31, 2014 - Pepperell Mill and Mill Village Historic District, Opelika, Lee County
May 19, 2014 - Lowndesboro Historic District Resource and History Update in Lowndesboro, Lowndes County
June 13, 2014 - Hezekiah Ford House, Madison County
December 10, 2014 - Cotton Hill, the plantation home of Luke Matthews, Limestone County 
December 10, 2014 - Lafayette Heights Historic District in Mobile, Mobile County
December 10, 2014 - Oakdale Historic District in Mobile, Mobile County
December 10, 2014 - Powell Avenue Steam Plant, Birmingham, Jefferson County
March 17, 2015 - Jemison School (Drish House), Tuscaloosa County
May 26, 2015 - Twickenham Historic District Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation, Madison County
July 21, 2015 - Birmingham Wholesale Warehouse Loop West Historic District, Jefferson County
July 21, 2015 - Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, Jefferson County
July 21, 2015 - Farrington Hall, Jefferson County
July 21, 2015 - Sulphur Creek Trestle Battle Site, Boundary Increase and Additional Documentation, Limestone County
July 21, 2015 - U.S. Post Office and Courthouse (Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse), Montgomery County **NATIONAL HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATED**                       
The Alabama Historical Commission Thanks Diane McCool 
Everyone at the Alabama Historical Commission would like to thank Mrs. Diane McCool for her years of service and achievement. It is with great regret that we accept her resignation.

Everyone will continue to benefit from Mrs. McCool's personal wisdom and expertise, and we hope that she will stay in touch and join us for occasional social events. Mrs. McCool's leadership and enthusiasm will be greatly missed, particularly on the subject of remembering our rural roots and the role they play in shaping Alabama's future. 
Toulouse-Fort Jackson's Frontier Days A Success!  

Staff and volunteers welcomed over 11,000 people to Frontier Days! Inclement weather on Saturday did not stop people from experiencing an up-close view of what like was like in Alabama during the 1700s and early 1800s. School visitation numbers were up and there was a huge gain in resale this year.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this event a success! |
468 South Perry Street
Montgomery, AL 36130-0900