We're counting down to a full house

With just over two weeks to go before the annual CrimeStoppers "Night At The Theatre" fundraising event, tickets to the May 20 caper are hotter than a stolen car on a summer night.
J ust 20 seats are left to fill. Act now if you want to be part of this great night at Playhouse On The Square's main-stage showing of Memphis (The Musical). Drinks and a delicious meal are part of the $50 ticket price.

Order tickets here.

Oh. It's Great-Aunt Cornelia's 100th birthday and you just can't make it?
Not to worry, for you have another opportunity to help both CrimeStoppers of Memphis and Shelby County and Memphis police officers. We have set aside a number of free-of-charge tickets again this year for officers and their guests. Friends of CrimeStoppers help pay for these. As of now, two-thirds of those have been paid for by donors. You can visit the same web page above and make a donation to pay for an officer and a guest, or four or even more, to enjoy the show.

They will appreciate it more than you can know.

Help us thank our sponsors
Our sponsors help offset the costs of our event and make our fundraiser a success. We wish to give a public "shout-out" to the companies who are our special friends this year - Valero, Georgia Pacific Cellulose, Dillard Door Security and Raymond James.
They are helping make greater Memphis a better place to live and
work and play.


CopperStoppers was created by CrimeStoppers in collaboration with businesses to fight the theft of and illegal sales, purchases and transportation out of town of copper and other scrap metals.

Copper stripped from wiring, appliances, plumbing or electrical boxes may bring hundreds of dollars when sold, but often results in thousands of dollars in damages to homes, apartments, churches and other facilities.

Special awards up to $1,000 are available for information leading to arrests. 
Help stop the criminals - the "copperheads" - doing economic harm to our community.

Visit for information on how to help.      
Help spread the word

If you like - we hope you do! - you can help the cause against the metal thieves by liking our new  Copperstoppers Facebook page. And tell your friends, co-workers and acquaintances.

While you're at it, let them know about the main CrimeStoppers Facebook page too.

Trust Pays  pulls another  gun from school
Some students who care about safety and law and order at their school (Carver High) let school officials know that a student was packaging and selling drugs. They were paying attention to the CrimeStoppers program in schools called Trust Pays.
A n ensuing investigation led to the discovery of the drugs for sale, and further uncovered a surprise: A loaded handgun hidden in a classroom.
More than 110 weapons have been removed from schools over a 10-year period, thanks to the Trust Pays program. 
Websites building new awareness

CrimeStoppers and its many programs are explained - and the public is engaged - in various places on the internet.
Our main website explains the organization's purpose, and keeps count on major cases in which police need help from citizens - 
A companion site helps students keep their schools safer -
Senior citizens who are afraid or otherwise need help can find information they can use at another site -
Spanish-speaking citizens can learn about CrimeStoppers on a fourth site -
Now, because the theft of copper and other metals has become a major problem in the metro area we have launched a website for our newest program, CopperStoppers: