Before I knew how to thread a needle, write a check,
or say I'm sorry,

I knew the rhythm of My heartbeat

The temperature of My joy

The colors of My day.

Before I knew to worry,
I knew how to just be

Now I'm working to re-learn
My deepest knowing.

This Week!
In addition to normal classes:

MONDAY 3:00 Free Sharing and Meditation Circle
MONDAY 4:00 Aerial Yoga demo class and photo shoot. 2 slots left. Must sign model release. Donations requested for instructor. Respond to this email if you want one of the slots.

TUESDAY 11:15 Intermediate Yoga now taught by Jenne

TUESDAY 1:00-3:00 Free Wellness Talks
Bring a friend!

TUESDAY Last day to secure registration for the singing bowl workshop

WEDNESDAY 4:00-5:00 Kids Aerial Yoga Begins! Pre-registration required (always).

WEDNESDAY 5:30-6:45 Adult Aerial Yoga begins! Pre-registration required (always).
Next Week
TUESDAY 2:30-5:30 Tibetan Singing Bowl Workshop
Many of you have expressed confusion about using your online Shift account. Below are some "how to's" that will hopefully clear things up. Your account is there to help you manage all your planning and financial needs, and it helps distribute the work among us all.

Also, please, please, please sign in from home or when you get to the studio. It is so important to have an accurate record of attendance and it shouldn't be the teacher's responsibility to memorize all who were present. If you're not sure how to sign in, just ask. Thank you for your cooperation!
How to create your Shift account
How to manage your Shift account
How to buy a package or class
Some other links you may be interested in:
Final thought:

On how to accomplish a large goal or shift:

Legend has it that when Socrates was asked for directions on how to get to Mount Olympus, his response was, "Just make sure that every step you take is in the direction of Mount Olympus."
It involves changing the entire way you think about yourself and about your life.
-J. Douglas Bottorff
The Shift is located at 708-B Fleming St in Hendersonville, across from Pardee Hospital

Ph: 828-712-3679
Email: [email protected]