May 6, 2016
PACE Case: GERD + HIV Therapy
A 77 year-old female participant with HIV, diabetes, osteoporosis, and hypertension presented to the physician with gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). 

Her medication regimen includes: 
* abacavir-lamivudine (Epzicom) 600mg/300mg QD
* atazanavir (Reyataz) 300mg QD
* carvedilol 6.25mg BID
* chlorthalidone 12.5 mg QD 
* lisinopril 40mg QD
* metformin 500mg BID
* ritonavir (Norvir) 100mg QD

The physician e-prescribed omeprazole (Prilosec) and ranitidine (Zantac) for the participant's GERD. However, when processing the prescription, the clinical pharmacist noted that PPI's and H2 blockers significantly interact with atazanavir, which reduces the bioavailability of the atazanavir by as much as 90%, resulting in treatment failure.

Quote of the Month
" We continue to grow and do well with your support and expertise.
I want to thank you on behalf of our entire team."

 - Paola Wierzbicki, MSW, MBA
   Director, Palm Beach PACE
Polypharmacy in the News
Once again, awareness is being raised about the dangers of poly-pharmacy, which we at CK define as: the use of multiple medications involving more medications than appropriately necessary. An April 22, 2016 New York Times article propones caution with medications in the elderly: "Geriatricians and researchers have warned for years about the potential hazards of polypharmacy... Yet it continues to rise in all age groups, reaching disturbingly high levels among older adults." 

PACE-Specific CE
Now, clients have (free) on-demand access to PACE population-specific medication management CE programs, offered by CareKinesis. Currently available programs include:
  • Developing Perspectives on PGx: Definitions, Techniques, and Basic Concepts
  • Drug absorption from different administration routes: Bioavailability - why does it matter?
  • Inhibition of CYP450 pathways: Clearance concepts and dose adjustments
  • Endocrine Disorders: Type 2 Diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders: Hepatitis
CareKinesis is Moving!! 
CareKinesis is pleased to announce that our New Jersey offices are moving into a larger, more technologically advanced facility this month! Our Pharmacists and Certified Technicians are available as usual throughout the move. We are eager to welcome our clients and PACE friends to tour our new space.

Please stop by if you're in the area and check out our new digs! We'd be delighted to host you - email us to plan your visit!
Conferencing To and Fro
It has been wonderful to see so many of our PACE friends this year at the NPA Spring Policy Forum; in Michigan; and in North Carolina at the NC PACE Association Conference.

We look forward to the Michigan PACE and Leading Age Conference in May and the NPA Summer Conference in June, and the CMS PACE Conference in July. 
Upcoming Educational Webinars



EireneRx 101 - May 12 @ 11am ET


Marketing Tactics to Increase Referrals for PACE Organizations
(CareKinesis & Altitude Edge Consulting) - May 26 @ 3pm ET

We are passionate about improving lives for PACE participants through medication risk mitigation. Email us to schedule a call and learn more, visit us on the web at, or call 888-974-2763 for more information.