Upcoming Events
  • April 30 - Deanery Confirmation
  • May 22 - Senior Recognition and Coffee Hour
  • June 3 - Alhuda Event
Happy Easter! Remember that Easter is a season that lasts 50 Days! 

Visit 50days.org for Readings and Reflections during this Eastertide!
Deanery Confirmation
St. Christopher's  will be hosting the Rite of Confirmation for our Deanery on Saturday, April 30th at 11:00 am. Please join us to support those students from St. Christopher's who are being confirmed. Everyone is welcome! We will also be recognizing our Confirmands on Sunday morning during the 10am Service. 
Senior Recognition and Coffee Hour
We will be recognizing our graduating seniors on Sunday, May 22 after the 10am service. We will recognize their accomplishments and wish them well as they are embarking on a new stage in life. Our youth will also be hosting coffee hour this day. We need at least four youth and one adult to help set up and serve coffee hour.

Alhuda Mosque Visit
Our youth have been invited by the youth at the Alhuda Foundation in Fishers for a time of food, fellowship and formation. We will carpool from St. Christopher's at 11:00am and we will return by 2:30pm. This event includes lunch and a t-shirt. Please let Tim know by May 13th if you plan on attending. 

Youth Formation meets this Sunday morning from 11:00-11:40. Youth Group meets this Sunday from 11:40-12:30.

Information on programs this year available in red folders in the youth lounge. Program information is also available online here.