SBP Discoveries
April 2016
Dear Colleagues,

In this April edition of SBP Discoveries we unveil the new look for SBP: Science Benefiting Patients. 
Read on for research news about a type of pediatric brain cancer called medulloblastoma , Alzheimer’s disease, good fat (yes, there is such a thing), inflammatory bowel disease, and a rare disease called a congenital glycosylation disorder. 

We also share exciting news about GSK's investment in a new translational neuroscience center at SBP. 

We welcome your feedback!

SBP Communications
New drug combination may lead to clinical trial for medulloblastoma

Robert Wechsler-Reya, Ph.D., led a study published in Cancer Cell that identified a potential new therapy for the most aggressive form of medulloblastoma, a fast growing type of pediatric brain cancer. The research is expected to lead to a clinical trial to confirm the benefits of the findings.

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Science News
Generating good fat by pushing the right buttons

Sheila Collins, Ph.D., and her research team have identified a protein complex that is required for the conversion of “bad” white fat to “good” brown fat. The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, could help treat metabolic disorders such as obesity.

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Select Media Coverage: Science Daily,
Science 2.0

Closing in on the causes of Alzheimer's disease

New collaborative research, co-authored by Yu Yamaguchi, M.D., Ph.D.suggests that targeting the heparan sulfate pathway in brain plaques may lead to new therapies for AD. The study was published in Science Translational Medicine.

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Research points to new ways to treat inflammatory bowel diseases

A new paper in Nature co-authored by SBP’s Randal Kaufman, Ph.D., reveals how briefly reducing dietary amino acids could help patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

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Study triples the number of known cases of a rare disease

A recent paper from the lab of Hudson Freeze, Ph.D., characterizes 39 previously unreported cases of a specific type of congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG). The study was published in Human Mutation.

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New Center for Translational Neuroscience

SBP and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), a global pharmaceutical company, have announced the creation of the SBP-GSK Center for Translational Neuroscience. The new Center, located on the SBP campus in La Jolla, will bring together experts from SBP and GSK to investigate factors that influence brain function and potentially reverse or slow down neurodegeneration, with the aim of identifying and validating new therapeutic targets.

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Our People
Soft bone disease researchfrom bench to bedside and back

José Luis Millán, Ph.D., has had an NIH grant renewed to the tune of $3 million over the next five years. The grant supports research that will help develop treatments for the rare disease called hypophosphatasia which causes “soft bones.”

Mirco Guigli graduates from SBP's Ph.D. program, will continue project at Vala Sciences

Mirco Guigli, who defended his Ph.D. thesis on February 25, represents another success for SBP’s graduate program. He not only developed a prototype microscope that has generated commercial interest, but has a clear plan for his future—he will join Vala Sciences to continue this work.
Welcome to our newest and recently renewed President's Circle Members!
Karen L. Alexander  •  Axium Healthcare  • Cooley LLP  •  Demeter Therapeutics •  Debby and Wainwright Fishburn  •  Arthur E. Fogel and Kaleen Lemmon  •  JSciMed Central  •  Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience  •  Molly McCormick Thornton
President's Circle
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Art, science and beer

On April 5th, a BioArt exhibit at the Karl Strauss Brewery showcased the beauty in what scientists see every day.  The event was sponsored by the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB). SBP’s  Dr. Hudson Freeze is President-elect of FASEB.

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SBP scientists join race for a cure

On Sunday, March 13, 2016, these Sanford Burnham Prebys scientists took their interest in biomedical research to the roadways of Central Florida as they joined 1,100 participants in the 2016 Tour de Cure at Lake Nona bicycle ride for diabetes.

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