MAY, 2016
  •  Travels in 2016: SACRED BOLIVIA and INSPIRING EGYPT  
  • How to order our new International Bestselling Book: WHY THE SUNFLOWER SMILES 
  • MAY Angels Message, through Lee Cook


Travel  in 2016 with Adventurous Spirit Travel

Bolivia, Lake Titicaca and the Kallawaya Healers
September 18 - 28, 2016

Egypt, Sailing the Nile River with Crotalo Sesamo, 
 of Damanhur, Italy 
 (the underground, award winning Temple City)
October 18 -31, 2016

How to order our new 
International Bestselling Book :


Hidden Messages in Nature
by Kristina M Wood 
with Lee Cook

and Forward by Donna Eden, 
author of the best selling book, Energy Medicine
Donna Eden says:
"Reading this wonderful book makes me happy."


How often do you look at the natural world and marvel at the miraculous inspiration it offers on a daily basis? Why the Sunflower Smiles is an opportunity to feel your connection with Gaia and earth energies in a delightful yet profound way. 

The book has the power of an inspirational prayer that is based on the deepest appreciation of the most insightful spiritual truths that are connected to all traditional earth-based religions as well as new age thought. It takes you on a pictorial travel journey to the most powerful and revered places on the planet, yet takes you way beyond. 

Kristina Wood's personal testimonies of her powerful experiences in these sacred locations are beautifully complimented by Lee Cook's magical translation of the wisdom of nature spirits into words that we can not only understand, but whose energy truly reaches your heart. The entire book is a delectable feast for the senses and the soul for anyone who desires to not just discuss it but wants to conduct their life in the most spiritually fulfilling fashion.

Angel Message for MAY, 2016
Through Lee Cook

Beloved Ones,

The human heart is the center of your own personal universe. The sun and moon and stars are but a reflection of the magnificence that lies within you .

To live from the heart is to listen to the primal native language that all humans are born with.  This language is love. This language has the ability to express itself in as many ways as there are waves on the ocean. It is extraordinary. This heart language is a unifying force, beyond dialect, beyond words, it is the language of energy expressed through the heart. So beautiful and profound is this love that it is actually the one language that all beings on Earth understand; beyond place, time, race, religion. Love accepts all languages and  understands all hearts. Love is a unifying force.

If one is opposed to your beliefs and your way of moving through the world, be not dismayed, but rather see yourself as a gorgeous fish moving through the currents of the ocean, with many other beautiful colored fish, some are in pods or schools, some are swimming solo, others may appear scary, all are in the same ocean. Each has its special place in the ocean of life, each has its place in the universe.

Be the best you can be by loving yourself as you are, and by loving each soul in their unique expression of themselves.  It may seem like an impossible task to love each soul as they are but truly, those who are appear to be the most unusual, or threatening, are those that are in need of the most compassion and understanding.

The love of the human heart is so profoundly powerful that it is like a soft rain, smothering the most brutal flames of hatred, distrust, anger and rage. The human heart knows how to love; imagine a smile in your heart every day. You will feel better, your life will be happier, and you will experience bliss.

With love,
The Angels

Thank You, Until Next Time

"Be like a flower and turn

 your face to the sun."

Paul Theroux

Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.
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