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 Hilchos Tefilla 126 (page 301)
  מאמצע הסעיף ואם היה עד סימן קכז

When a Chazan Must Repeat Shemoneh Esrei
When the Chazan Must Repeat Chazaras Hashatz
Informing a Kohen About a Dead Body During Shemoneh Esrei

When a chazan must repeat Shemoneh Esrei
If a chazan made a mistake in his personal Shemoneh Esrei which requires him to repeat the tefilla, he may consider chazaras hashatz as the makeup tefilla. The poskim discuss whether this solution can be used for an error in one of the first three berachos. On Friday night, the chazan may count the beracha of Me'ein Sheva ( Magen Avos) as his tefilla. For tefillos for which there is no repetition ( i.e. Ma'ariv, or times that Magen Avos won't cover the error, such as when Rosh Chodesh, Yom Tov or Chol Hamoed fall on Friday night and the error involved ya'aleh v'yavo), the chazan must repeat his Shemoneh Esrei. In these circumstances, he is permitted to recite kaddish before repeating the tefilla.
( סעיף ד וס"ק טז-יז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 16-17)
When the chazan must repeat chazaras hashatz
If the chazan must repeat chazaras hashatz, kedusha is recited the second time as well. The poskim discuss whether birkas kohanim is repeated. According to some poskim, the chazan should say the introductory passage of E-lokeinu v'E-lokei Avoseinu which is recited in many congregations before birkas kohanim, and the kohanim should recite the peukim without the preceding beracha. If new kohanim who were not present for the first tefilla enter the shul, they may recite birkas kohanim with the preceding beracha.
( ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 12)
Informing a kohein about a dead body during Shemoneh Esrei
If people become aware that there is a dead body in a room where there is a kohein davening Shemoneh Esrei, it is incumbent on them to inform him immediately. The kohein should interrupt his tefilla and leave the premises. If it is possible to close the doors or windows and downgrade the teuma to a Rabbinic prohibition, it is not necessary to inform the kohein and require him to leave. (He must leave immediately after davening.) Likewise, it is not necessary to interrupt the kohein if the teuma is d'rabonon. The poskim debate whether a kohein who was informed about a teuma d'rabonon while he was davening must leave the premises immediately.
( ס"ק יא וביה"ל ד"ה ואם; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 8)

  • Someone who denies any of the tenets of Judaism (e.g. Heavenly origin of the Torah, reward and punishment, Moshiach, resurrection of the dead) cannot serve as a chazan. If such a person leads the congregation, he should be removed -- even in the middle of chazaras hashatz -- and it is forbidden to respond Amein to his berachos.
  • If the chazan became weary in the middle of chazaras hashatz, someone else should take over. If it happened in the middle berachos, the replacement should begin where the first one left off. If he left off in the middle of a beracha, the replacement should start from the beginning of the beracha.
  • The Medrash records a custom of people bouncing on their toes when reciting the words kodosh, kodosh, kodosh in kedusha. According to the Acharonim, this should also be done for the pesukim of Baruch and Yimloch.

  • Modim d'rabonon

  • Bowing for modim d'rabonon

  • The final beracha of Shemoneh Esrei



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
