Acquisition and Assistance Update
FY16 Qtr 3 Business Forecast Review Call
May 3, 2016
Dear Partners,

We will be hosting our FY16 Qtr 3 Business Forecast Review conference call on Thursday, May 19th from 8:30-9:00AM EDT

Please submit questions related to the Business Forecast  by COB Thursday, May 12th to:  or tweet @USAIDBizOpps using the hashtag #bizforecast or #WorkWithUSAID.

You can RSVP for the Business Forecast call here:  USAID: FY16 Qtr 3 Business Forecast .

Conference Line Information:
Dial-in: 641-715-3580
Meeting ID: 488-092-565

We look forward to speaking with you.

Kind Regards,

Roy Plucknett
Bureau for Management
Office of Acquisition & Assistance