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 Hilchos Tefilla 124 (page 298)
 מסעיף ט עד סימן קכה

Amein to a Child's Beracha
Pausing Between Berachos
When the Amein Is Louder Than the Beracha

Amein to a child's beracha
One should respond Amein to the berachos of a child that has reached the age of chinuch, but not to those of a child below that age. Some poskim consider the age of chinuch for answering Amein to a child's berachos to be the age that the child is capable of reciting berachos on food, which is younger than the standard age of chinuch. There were poskim who advised people to answer Amein to the berachos of children below the age of chinuch in order to train the child to answer Amein. It is told that one of the gedolim of the past generation would do this by responding with a word that sounded like, but was not quite, Amein. If a child is practicing reciting berachos without actually eating or performing a mitzva, there is no response of Amein.
( ס"ק מז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 69 ו־71)
Pausing between berachos
Someone reciting chazaras hashatz or other public berachos should not move from one beracha to the next until most of the listeners have responded Amein. Listeners should not respond Amein to the first beracha once the speaker has begun the next beracha. If the majority of people rushed to respond to the first beracha, the speaker should wait for as long as it would have taken for an average response. If people are listening in order to fulfill an obligation (e.g. they are listening to Kiddush or Havdalah), the speaker cannot go on until everyone has responded Amein. Likewise, when reciting birkas kohanim, the chazan should not proceed to the next beracha until everyone has answered Amein to the first one, since everyone must hear the berachos. According to some poskim, the berachos of chazaras hashatz are recited to help people fulfill an obligation, and the chazan must give enough time for everyone to respond Amein.
( סעיף ט, ס"ק לז-לח, וביה"ל ד"ה שמאריכין, ד"ה שאין וד"ה שקודם; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 60)
When the Amein is louder than the beracha
One should not respond Amein at a louder volume than was used to make the beracha. An allusion to this can be found in the verse "and exalt His name in unison." The word unison indicates that both the initiator and responder should speak in the same tone. Likewise, one should not respond to kaddish, barechu or a zimun in a voice louder than the speaker's. (There is an opinion that permits responding to yehei shemei rabbah in a voice louder than the speaker's, and another opinion permits preceding Amein to be recited louder as well.) It is permissible to raise one's voice when responding to Amein in order to encourage others to respond.
( ס"ק מז; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 68)

  • According to the Mechaber, it is permissible to respond Amein when one hears others responding, even when one did not hear the beracha or kaddish. According to the Rama, this case is included in the issur of Amein chatufa.
  • According to the Rama, an Amein yesoma is defined as one which is recited more than a kdei dibbur period after the beracha was made.
  • During chazaras hashatz, it is best for one to hear at least the end of each beracha in order to answer Amein. According to the Mechaber, bedieved one can answer Amein to a beracha that he did not hear at all; according to the Rama, however, he must at least know which beracha was being said.


  • Reciting Kedusha

  • Reciting the Pesukim in Unison

  • The Wording of Kedusha




PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
