May 2016

Check out our most recent blog post to learn about NOA Fisheries, which has earned significant international attention, and is now the top source for guaranteed hormone-free all male tilapia in Canada.

NOA Fisheries also runs aquaponics courses that have drawn international attention, with the next one approaching quickly on June 27th-29th. If you're interested, read more here; the early-bird rate ends May 31st.
The Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance kicked off our AGM this month in Toronto with a tour of Food Starter, an incubator focused on helping early-stage food processors and manufacturers grow their business.

Last year, the GHFFA provided  $10,000 in funding to the incubator as part of our Action Plan to  Foster Innovation, so it was fitting for the Alliance to get a first-hand look at what's happening within their entrepreneurial walls.

Read about our tour and take a closer look at some of the entrepreneurs on our blog.

The Province has announced their much-awaited  proposed changes to the four provincial land use plans that shape how land is used in the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and the public now has the opportunity to  comment on the proposed changes.

These proposed changes come after input gathered last year from the  Co-ordinated Land Use Planning Review advisory panel.   You may recall the  input the Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance presented  to the panel.

Read more about the proposed changes here, and be sure to provide your input before September 30, 2016.

The Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation are offering a  professional development workshop for planners on June 13th  for round two of their workshop,  Agriculture and Planning for Agriculture: A Near-Urban Perspective.

The goals of the training are to: increase planners' knowledge and understanding of agriculture, trends and issues, specifically in near-urban areas; and, increase planners' capacity to develop and interpret planning policies and regulations that are supportive of agriculture.

OPPI members undertaking Continuous Professional Learning may claim learning units according to the CPL Program Guide for this workshop.

Read more here and RSVP as soon as possible if interested.

The provincial and federal government have announced plans to invest in Ontario's craft cider industry to kick off Cider Week ( May 27 to June 4). 

The investment aims to help grow the sector by increasing market access and creating new economic opportunities for Ontario's craft cider producers.

The Ontario Craft Cider Association will receive up to $220,000 under the Growing Forward 2 initiative to:
  • Implement a study to assess 29 European apple varieties and their juice quality for local  craft cider production
  • Evaluate how cider cultivars perform in five distinct growing regions in the province
  • Create a benchmark for growers when establishing new orchards in these regions
Read more in the  news release from the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

It's finally warmed up outside, and that means another Local Food Week is on its way! This year's celebration of local food, local farmers and thus local economies falls on June 6th - June 12th.

Join in the discussion online with the hashtag #loveONTfood, and connect with Farm Fresh across the Golden Horseshoe here.

If your region, town or city has Local Food Week events or initiatives you would like us to help share, tweet at @GHFoodFarming or get in touch.
Janet Horner, Executive Director,
Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance