Meher Baba Books Los Angeles    

"To a devotee, Baba once gave these two 'spiritual secrets,' as He called them:

1. Never to hurt the heart of another, because that is where God resides; and
2. Always to be grateful, to give thanks to God every day"

- - Meher Baba
    ( The Awakener Magazine , Vol. 14, No. 2, p. 31), with thanks to The Awakener online )

Reflections No. 63
from Meher Baba Books
                          (Los Angeles, California )              May-29-2016 

Hello Dear Friends and Companions:
Greetings from Los Angeles, California. Wishing you well in Beloved Baba's Love. Hope you are having a great weekend so far! For US residents this is a long Memorial Day weekend. Happy to be here with you once again, and it is time for us to come together while remembering Him through His powerful words, knowing that He alone is Real. 

This week we have again chosen a theme related to the theme of the past 3 issues ("The Spiritual  Path"). The theme for this week is Spiritual  Training.  We continue to reflect on questions such as: What is spirituality? What, in Meher Baba's view, is the purpose of life?

The purpose of life is to recognize God within realize our oneness with the infinite. This can be achieved through love for God. This can be done even whilst attending to our worldly duties. In everyday walks of life and amidst intense activities we should feel detached and dedicate our doings to our beloved God.
-- Meher Baba

What is Spiritual Training, and who can give Spiritual Training? It seems that Spiritual Training is a most personal matter and is a sacred relationship between the Lover and the Beloved in one's own heart. Only Beloved Baba can train or awaken anyone from within. He can always be found in the heart that yearns for Him and listens to His silent prompting within. He is always with us internally. 

When you are honest in your heart to the Beloved, you will be able to follow His Wish. Your honesty to His love will guide you. The prompting of the heart is as simple as feeling a slight touch that directs you towards Him. But if your mind is the slightest bit distracted with what you think is right, then you will not feel anything except the weight of your own false self. If you are not honest to Him, the mind will make such noise all the time that the false self will assert itself over the poor real self. Your real self will remain as a silent witness, unable to prompt your heart with the Truth.
-- Bhau Kalchuri 

In the journey of consciousness, we are to discard all falsehoods to get at the truth. Baba has said, if you discard all that does not endure, you will realize the TRUTH.

In this Reflections No. 63, we launch two new series. The first is called "The Procession of Creation." We begin it with the first installment of a lengthy and thought-provoking essay about "The Ancient One," contributed by our friends Gorkaran and Urmilla Shrivastava (both of whom have academic backgrounds, and who now serve together as Librarians at Meherabad). Their scholarly inquiry approaches the question, who is the Ancient One? or in what sense is Meher Baba the Ancient One? The answer they begin to sketch in this opening segment merits attention! We look forward to presenting the remainder of this essay in upcoming issues of Reflections. We will also welcome (and hereby invite) other writers' contributions reflecting on this subject matter in future issues.

The second new series initiated today is devoted to stories about "Meeting Meher Baba." These are mostly the close ones who met Him in His physical form and shared glimpses of their experiences when meeting God in human form. 

We hope you enjoy these occasions for reflecting on the divinity of Beloved Baba's words and life. Remember: "God is Love. And Love must love."  - Meher Baba

Wishing you a great weekend in His remembrance. 

In His Love and Service,                                                                  
Mahoo S. Ghorbani for

Spiritual Training (Part 1) 



The lover has to keep the wish of the Beloved. My wish for my lovers is as follows:

Do not shirk your responsibilities.

Attend faithfully to your worldly duties, but keep always at the back of your mind that all this is Baba's.

When you feel happy, think: "Baba wants me to be happy."
When you suffer, think: "Baba wants me to suffer."

Be resigned to every situation and think honestly and sincerely: "Baba has placed me in this situation."

With the understanding that Baba is in everyone, try to help and serve others.

I say with my Divine Authority to each and all that whosoever takes my name at the time of breathing his last comes to me; so do not forget to remember me in your last moments. Unless you start remembering me from now on, it will be difficult to remember me when your end approaches. You should start practising from now on. Even if you take my name only once every day, you will not forget to remember me in your dying moments.

-- Meher Baba.
     from C. B. Purdom, The God-Man (1964, 2010), p. 320


Simplicity and all it implies is another great aid in the development of human love. Simplicity springs from humility, and humility is often confused with modesty. Modesty is weakness, but humility is strength. Therefore a world of difference separates the two. The moment you "I say in all humility -" the very use of the expression betrays your ego. Even though you believe that you are being humble, you are expressing your egotism.

The difficulty is not resolved even if you try with true honesty to express true humility. Inevitably, obstacles arise, such as the thought of what others may think of your expression of humility.

No sooner is humility given expression than it is no longer humility. It is nonsense to give deliberate expression to humility. A life of humility is lived spontaneously, and should not give rise to thoughts of either humility or modesty.

As an example, suppose you start to clean a latrine, but you cannot help noting the smell. A janitor who has cleaned them all his life remains unaffected. The person who parades humility is like the one who notes the smell while cleaning a latrine. The person who lives the life of humility is like the sweeper who is immune to the odor and completely unworried about what others think of him. He actually lives the life of a janitor.

To have to try to be humble is also nonsense. You must be so natural that your life becomes humility personified, which means all strength freed from all weakness.

So, whatever you are, express it unmindful of public opinion and the reaction of others. Be natural. If you are dishonest, do not try to hide yourself behind the curtain of honesty. This does not mean though that you should be dishonest.

Above all else, be content with your lot, rich or poor, happy or miserable. Understand that God has designed it for your own good, and be resigned to His will. Remember the present in the frame of the past and the future. You eternally were and always will be. You have had innumerable forms as man and woman, beautiful and ugly, strong and weak, healthy and sickly, powerful and helpless, and now you are here again in another form.

Until you gain spiritual freedom you will be invested with many such forms, so why seek temporary relief now which will only result in further bindings later? Do not ask God for money, fame, power, health or children, but seek His grace and it will lead you to eternal bliss.

-- Meher Baba
    Listen, Humanity (1957, 1985), pp. 183-184, ed. D. E. Stevens

Meher Baba - Bombay (1929)


At Meherabad, late in the afternoon on May 8th, 1929, Meher Baba, accompanied by the Prem Ashram boy Ali Akbar, and his mandali Buasaheb, Chanji, Chhagan, Gustadji, Masaji and Pesu, left for Ahmednagar.

In the town, Ramjoo and Baily met them at Akbar Press. Soon after, a discussion took place over the destination of their journey. Suggestions were put forth but none satisfied Baba. Baba concluded the discussion by stating his preference of going to Rishikesh in the Himalayas.

The next day, Baba and the group left Ahmednagar for Nasik, where he met Mehera, Freiny, Naja, Khorshed, Soona, and their servant Valu, as well as Rustom and Padri. He sent Padri to Bombay, and Rustom was ordered to continue looking after the arrangements for the women mandali in Nasik while Baba was on tour in the North.

On May 10th, the group took a bus to Manmad and then left on the Delhi-Allahabad express train for Hardwar. Near the village of Khandwa an accident occurred; a man was struck by the train and severely injured.

Watching the man on the ground, a large crowd gathered and meanwhile Baba dispatched Chhagan to buy some rice and dal from a vendor. Chhagan thought to himself, "A man has just been seriously hurt and all are rushing to see him, yet this God feels hungry and wants something to eat! How can Baba be so merciless? Who could eat at a time like this?"

Chhagan Sitaram Deshmukh

With these thoughts in his mind, Chhagan made his way through the crowd to bring the food, but he could not return as quickly because of the excited crowd on the platform. After some time Baba lost his patience and sent Gustadji to look for him, and when Chhagan returned, Baba admonished him for taking so long.

Watching Baba eat, Chhagan thought, "Outside a man is dying and inside Divinity himself is quietly enjoying his lunch in peace. How can Baba be so cold?"

Baba gestured to Chhagan, "What are you thinking?"

Chhagan replied that it was nothing. Baba shrugged and then spelled out, "You only think of the man who is hurt, but you have no thought for me. How will you help him by thinking about him? Your sympathy is empty; it carries no weight.

"You see me eating food, but what do you know of what I am really doing for that man? If you believe that everything is in my hands and not a leaf moves without my will, then why don't you accept that whatever has happened to him, and whatever will happen to him, is according to my will? Your only duty is to follow my wish. Why give importance to your wish?

"I am eating this food, but it reaches the belly of that man! You can't see that. Remember I am the Benefactor of all. Your sympathy cannot do a damned thing! To fulfill my wish, you have to burn up your desires. Only then will you be fit to serve me."

Meher Baba at Meherabad with Kumar, Krishnaji, Frank Hendrick, Chhagan, 
Ganeshilal, Kishan Singh, Minoo Kharas and villagers, September 1954

Baba then sent Chhagan to see the injured man. Chhagan was dumbfounded at the scene which met his eyes. The man had not only regained consciousness, but he was enjoying a cup of hot tea! He was about to be removed to a hospital in an ambulance and the doctor remarked that there was no serious injury. He would be all right and be able to walk once his fracture was set.

Hearing this, Chhagan repented for his thoughts. The fact was that Baba was not really hungry, but he pretended to be so in order to revive that man and to teach Chhagan a lesson.

-- Lord Meher, 1st ed., Vol. 4, pp. 1154-1156

Baba said:

Someone asked Hafiz what spirituality meant and he answered in one ode:

"Unless you go against your lower self,
you cannot unite with your higher Self."

Now what is the lower self? That which makes you think you are small, that which makes you feel that you are not satisfied, not happy, that which makes others see you as small.

So, the meaning of going against the lower self is to transform this in quite the opposite direction. Be that which makes you look big and makes others see you as big. Remain pleased and contented, happy and satisfied. When you are displeased, unhappy or upset and moody, it is your lower self asserting itself.

People always put the blame for their dissatisfaction and suffering on others. But the fact is, when one suffers it is one's own fault. Mansari became excited, she was angry and suffered, and she laid it all on Elizabeth, Norina and Lucky. But if she had gone beyond the lower self, she would have taken it calmly, swallowed it and remained unaffected. If you are firm, nothing will upset you. If you try, you will surely have it.

I do not want any repression, but I do want transformation. I never for one moment say that you must not get angry. Don't be confused. You must get angry when the occasion arises. But, at once, you must get it out of your head. If you are not hungry, to fast has no meaning.

Lord Meher online, p. 2143
(Sept. 1940; Meherabad)


Open your heart by weeding out all desires and by harboring only one longing - the longing for union with the ultimate Reality. The ultimate Reality is not to be sought in the changing things of the external environment but in one's own being. Every time your soul intends to enter your human heart, it finds the door locked and the inside too full of desires. Do not keep the doors of your hearts closed. Everywhere there is the source of abiding bliss, and yet all are miserable because of desires born of ignorance. The goal of lasting happiness shines forth fully only when the limited ego, with all its desires, finds its complete and final extinction.

Renunciation of desires does not mean asceticism or a merely negative attitude to life. Any such negation of life would make man inhuman. Divinity is not devoid of humanity. Spirituality must make man more human. It is a positive attitude of releasing all that is good, noble, and beautiful in man. It also contributes to all that is gracious and lovely in the environment. Spirituality does not require the external renunciation of worldly activities or the avoiding of duties and responsibilities. It only requires that, while performing the worldly activities or discharging the responsibilities arising from the specific place and position of the individual, the inner spirit should remain free from the burden of desires.

Perfection consists in remaining free from the entanglements of duality. Such freedom from entanglements is the most essential requirement of unhindered creativity. But this freedom cannot be attained by running away from life for fear of entanglement. This would mean denial of life. Perfection does not consist in shrinking from the dual expressions of nature. The attempt to escape from entanglement implies fear of life. Spirituality consists in meeting life adequately and fully without being overpowered by the opposites. It must assert its dominion over all illusions - however attractive or powerful. Without avoiding contact with the different forms of life, a Perfect One functions with complete detachment in the midst of intense activity.

Meher Baba
Discourses, 7th ed., pp. 14-15


You ask why, if God is compassionate and loving, should there be suffering? This is a question many people have asked for centuries. And the answers the great ones have given over the years seem to suggest that suffering is necessary. That it is only through suffering that we are able to reach that place where suffering no longer exists.

Of course, so much of our suffering is self-created. We bring it on ourselves, and much of that can be avoided, but as long as we are in a human body, we will suffer, that is what the human body means, it is a vehicle of suffering.

But no matter what I say, it will not satisfy you. It will just be throwing out words until you experience for yourself that this is all illusion, and that you are really infinite knowledge, power, and bliss. No matter how much you tell a man he is dreaming, he will not be able to believe you unless, and until, he wakes up.

That is why Baba says that He has not come to teach us anything - what can you teach a dreaming man about the real world - He has come to awaken us. And, He assures us with His divine authority, that when we wake up, all of our suffering will be as if it has never been .

Eruch Jessawala,  That's How It Was , p. 258
1995 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust




- On the Ancient One -

Beloved Baba several times introduced Himself as "the Ancient One," which is a title that is hardly understood in its full meaning. This article attempts to give a somewhat detailed explanation about this familiar title, which we feel is not so widely understood. 

In order to reach a better understanding of this title, we have thought it useful to describe and highlight some major ideas related to "the Ancient One." These involve: the meaning of this title or term, what specifically does it refer to? when did the events to which it alludes happen? how did they happen?, the Beginningless Beginning, Realization by the first human soul, the age of creation and the Avataric cycles, the cycle of Mahapralaya and re-creation, a present-day creation timeline, the age of the present humanity, the puzzle of Avataric advents and human Realization, some concluding remarks, and pointers to additional information.

1. The Meaning: of The Ancient One

This term "the Ancient One" is very commonly used in Meher Baba literature, but it is rarely explained in detail, though this is a very important term, as understanding it increases our understanding of the time of creation, when creation came into existence for the first time, and when the first drop soul which realized God became known as the Ancient One, because of his being the first drop-soul to do so. This first man does not belong to the present Big Bang cycle of the universe, in which (in the current view of modern science) humans originated between 2 and 3 million years ago on the present Earth.

At the end of December [1921] Meher was restored to full normal consciousness. Upasni Maharaj said to his disciples: 'I have given my charge to Meherwanji. He is the holder of my key.' . . . One night Maharaj folded his hands and said, 'Meherwanji; you are adi-shakti (meaning primal power): you are Avatar'. Thus Meher became Meher Baba at the age of twenty-seven, and started upon his universal work.

Charles Purdom, The God-Man (1964, 2010), p. 26

Upasni Maharaj addressed Meher Baba as the Adi Shakti = The Ancient One. A ccording to Lord Krishna (in the Bhagavad Gita): "There is Aadi Purusha [the Primal Divine Masculine, the Original or Ancient Man], and Aadi Shakti [the Primal Divine Power, the Original or Ancient One], who was in the absolute beginning alone, singular, and unexpressed. As seeds sown in fertile farmland take up varied forms of roots, trunk, leaves, branches and flowers, similarly with time and using its strength called Maya, via distributing its energy, the same Parameshwar [Lord of the Beyond] became experiential [sentient] in these varied forms."  

2. When Did This Happen, and When Did the First Human Soul Realize God?

In what Meher Baba calls the "Beginningless Beginning," the creation began with the Original Whim [Lahar] in the formless God, which was a whim to know Himself. This whim created the first drop soul who traversed creation through endless sub-human evolutionary forms to finally become the first human soul. From the original beginning of creation, evolution, reincarnation, involution, and realization followed. The "Beginningless Beginning" itself is a complicated term to understand. This refers to the first-time emergence of the three worlds, that is, the mental, the subtle, and gross worlds from the original formless state of God. The original creation was created in the Beginningless Beginning, the time of which can never be calculated or known.

3. How Did This Happen?

In The Nothing and the Everything, by Bhau Kalchuri (written under Babas's direction), this process is described fully, which can be seen from the diagram given below.

4. Understanding the "Beginningless Beginning"

As per Baba's revelations in God Speaks, this creation has been created innumerable times and also it has been dissolved innumerable times through an alternating cycle of Mahapralaya [complete dissolution] and re-creation. This can be understood by referring to the structure of creation described in God Speaks. The term Beginningless Beginning is used in two ways: 1. To describe God's original state. 2. To denote the first-time appearance of the original creation, to grasp which, the structure of the creation must be understood.

5. The Structure of Creation

The Creation has Five Spheres with 21 Sub-Spheres of the Composite Sphere as given in the following table. The cyclic dissolution (Mahapralaya) of the creation requires the complete disappearance of the first 4 spheres of the table. After Mahapralaya, each of the 4 spheres of the creation reappear again gradually till the gross world is complete. This happened an infinite number of times from the first time of the original creation, which is described as having occurred in the Beginningless Beginning when the first drop soul realized God and thereafter became known as the Ancient One.

6. The First Human Soul to Realize God Who Became the Ancient One

The first human soul of the original creation in the beginningless beginning realized God through a very short cycle of human form changes and without the help of any Perfect Master (since there were no Perfect Masters in the world prior to Him). After realizing God, He came down to creation consciousness, thus He was the first Avatar as well as the first Perfect Master, both in one, and this one is the Ancient One. Avatar itself is an ancient term, not modern.

The first human soul who realized God has also occupied a special position in the Beyond state of God as Vishnu, besides the whole of the Beyond state being referred to as Allah, Ishwar, or Father in Heaven. It is this Being who repeatedly incarnates as the Avatar in different cycles, but since He was the first one, He is also termed the Ancient One. This is clear from the diagram below (from The Nothing and the Everything).


7. The Age of Creation and the Avataric Cycles: Baba's Statement About His Own Recurring Advents

All cycles of time in Illusion end and begin after 700 to 1400 years, and there have been and will be millions and billions of such cycles in a Cycle of cycles; thus there is no end to Illusion which always remains illusion.

Meher Baba, God Speaks, 1st edition (1955), p. 151; 2nd edition (1973), p. 266

So, the creation is not just the present-day creation. In terms of the Beginningless Beginning, the age of creation can never be understood because it has been created and dissolved an infinite number of times ad infinitum. 

The first human soul passed through evolution, reincarnation, involution, and then realized God. This one is called the Ancient One, and He assumed a permanent status as Vishnu in the Beyond state of God (see The Nothing and the Everything).

The same Ancient One subsequently in different Avataric periods in different Mahapralayic-re-creation cycles, descended on earth in human form under a veil and (once again) realized God with the help of a Perfect Master (or Perfect Masters), assuming the names of various Avatars,  without again having to go through evolution, reincarnation, and involution. 

... To Be Continued ...

By: Professors Gokaran and Urmilla Shrivastava, Meherabad    

     Meeting Meher Baba        

Meher Baba with Delia DeLeon at St. Mark's Cathedral, Venice

Meeting Meher Baba changed her life. Delia recalled her first momentous time with the Master

I sat next to Baba at the London Coliseum, but he took very little notice of me. I was shy and nervous at first, and could not find my bearings. I felt as if someone had taken a hammer and knocked me over the head. I was stunned with the wonder of Baba. From just seeing him, nothing else existed for me. From first sight, I had implicit faith and trust in him. I asked no questions. I wanted nothing from him. I felt I had to love him as Jesus was loved by his apostles. I therefore gave my life into his keeping and knew that my search was at an end.

I was stunned with the wonder and beauty of him. I had seen his face before in my dreams; the eyes were startling in their beauty; the face seemed of luminous honey-color, framed by a halo of long dark hair. His hands were most noticeable; they were strong, slim and sensitive... 

MSI Collection : 1931 East Challacombe, England - Delia is seated on the right

During the week of his stay in London, I saw him every day. Time and place seemed not to exist. Everyone and everything faded from my mind except Baba. He alone seemed real -- the perfect human being. Compared to him, everyone seemed like a shadow. He drew me irresistably; his love melted me, and his humor and charm attracted me. His silence was more potent than words.

Later, Delia brought her younger sister Aminta Toledano, 23, her brother Jack, 28, and her mother to meet Baba. (Her father had died many years before.) Delia's sister was called Minta and she once recollected her first meeting with Baba:

My sister Delia had met Baba at the theater and was absolutely bowled over. She asked me if I would like to meet him and I said yes. I was not seeking as she was, but when she told me what reactions she had had to Baba, I said I would like to meet him too.

Meher Baba and Kitty Davy

The first time I saw him at Kitty's house, I was terribly moved. I can't say why at all; I found myself weeping and could not stop. Suddenly Baba spelled out on the board to one of the mandali, "Ask her why she is weeping."

I spontaneously said, "Because you are so beautiful." From that point on, I only wanted to look at him and be with him; just sit on the floor and look at him. I didn't want to ask anything.

Baba was wearing a white robe with his hair long; his face was very, very beautiful. There was an aura [of light] around him which one cannot really describe. In his presence, I could not look at anyone else. I couldn't think of anyone or anything else."

London, 1931
Lord Meher online, pp. 1277-1278

- Universal Toddy Shop -

Welcome to the Toddy Shop! -- where you can stop by each week to enjoy some amusing or charming anecdote from Beloved Baba's life.

The original toddy shop was run by Merwan Seth (later known as Meher Baba) during the period when His consciousness was being perfected by Sadguru Upasni Maharaj, and in the early years of His universal spiritual work.

Kasba Peth bhajan room in Poona -- photo by Barbara Connors
courtesy of Meher Baba Travels website


Baba often assigned blame to people for incidents in which they were barely involved. If you answered back, you were needled a bit. But if you simply accepted the blame, he would glow and immediately shift the fault to someone else. You were left with the exhilarating knowledge that you had actually triumphed over your formidable ego.

After some time, the Backetts returned, and we all held our breath, expecting a renewed explosion from Baba. But in the sweetest, mildest way, he said, "Will, I don't quite understand how this happened."

Murshida Ivy O. Duce, Meher Baba, and Charmian Duce 
By kind permission of Sufism Reoriented 

Will said he'd waited two hours at the gate, but somehow the mandali had passed him by. He was dreadfully sorry. Baba sent the Backetts out of the room and then blamed us all anew. By now, however, we were aware of the divine chess game being played. A sense of fun began to bubble to the surface, and we found ourselves not wringing out hands or hanging our heads in shame, but laughing. That was when he called Will and Mary back in to give them their share of the scolding. At least that's what we thought he would do. Instead, he sat them on either side of him, took their hands, and told us, "These are my archangels."

Only a few minutes later, the exhausted and disheveled mandali came straggling down the hall. They'd reported to another hotel where Baba planned to hold his interviews and, finding no trace of him, had spent most of the night searching London. They finally tracked us down by going clear out to Delia's flat in Richmond, where her brother directed them to the proper hotel.

Baba sent us all out of the room, and the mandali went in to face him alone. Time passed without so much as a peep. Then suddenly the door opened, and out they shuffled, heads drooping.

"What happened?" We asked.

With one breath, they moaned, "Baba says it's all our fault!"...

We roared with laughter and couldn't stop even when we saw their pained expressions. Finally we explained, "You don't understand! All morning long Baba's been saying, 'it's all Rano's fault.', 'it's all Delia's fault'. Then it was Donkin's, Mehera's, Mani's, Meheru's, Goher's, Charmian's, and Baba's fault. Then it was God's Will."

"Really?" they asked.

Whereupon they cheered up a bit, and off they went.

God, as the Avatar, exhibits human emotions and behaviors. When these human traits are expressed through his human form, we experience them very differently than the way we usually experience these emotions and behaviors. The blame Baba directed at us was imbued with his love and a deeper purpose we could sense, even if we couldn't completely understand it. It held none of the binding anger and pride that normally compel humans to blame others.

Charmian Knowles
Spread My Love, pp. 71-72
(c) 2004 Sufism Reoriented

Snatam Kaur - Servant of Peace - Anandamayi Ma


Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born into Eternal Life.

[Lyrics are an English translation of a poem by St. Francis of Assisi]

In the World

Avatar Meher Baba shed His blood on American soil, in an automobile 'accident' near Prague, Oklahoma. This occurred May 24, 1952. With Him and sharing in His sacrifice were some of His closest disciples, including His cherished and most beloved Mehera.

Meher Baba explained that this American accident, and the one in India four years later, symbolized his bringing together the west and the east by shattering first the left and then the right side of His body. He said that this gross exchange in His own body would "result in benefit to the whole world." He said on other occasions that during this Advent it would be necessary for the Avatar to undergo this self-sacrifice. Baba was seriously injured as a result of this event, and combined with the more severe injuries sustained in the 1956 automobile 'accident' in India, was never able to walk without pain again for the rest of His life.

The date of this event was foretold by Baba many years earlier. At Harmon on Hudson, in 1932, Meher Baba gave Elizabeth Patterson a small pink wildflower and told her to always keep the flower and write down the date, that some day she would know the meaning. It wasn't until years after the accident that Elizabeth discovered the flower He had given her that day, and written next to it in her Bible, the date, "May 24, 1932," exactly 20 years to day that she would be driving the accident vehicle.

The Avatar Meher Baba Heartland Center invited the Baba world to participate in a worldwide jap repeating His name on Tuesday, May 24 in remembrance of Beloved Baba's accident in 1952, in Prague, Oklahoma. 

Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai. 

Welcome to Meher 
Baba Books

New Book

In his memoir Meeting God in Human Form, author Rick Chapman unfolds the tale of his journey to India as a graduate student, his discoveries there, his correspondence with Meher Baba's secretary Adi K. Irani and his hopeless hope to meet Meher Baba -- who was generally in deep seclusion in this late phase of His work (in the late 1960s).  At the conclusion of the book, the author gives a wonderfully detailed, absorbing account of his meeting with Meher Baba.


New Book

This book is rather a collection of thoughts about what transpires when a seeker happens to come into the orbit of the Love of the Ancient One -- God in human form as the Avatar, the Christ, the God-Man. What are the contours of the Divine Romance; which is the quickest, the easiest, and the most joyous path to Realization? What can you expect of the Divine Beloved, and what might He expect of you?     
             Adventures in India with Meher Baba              

New Book

In his earlier book Meeting God in Human Form, author Rick Chapman unfolded his experiences in India for the first few months leading up to and including his meeting with Meher Baba in August of 1966. About this new book, Rick writes:

Come with me to travel throughout India to visit the people who were among the "early adopters" of the Avatar of the Age, the original 'revolutionaries' in the overthrow of Ignorance in this dark period of the Kali Yuga. Meet, as I did, some of the first proponents of a new worldwide movement and language, some of the earliest followers of the most recent Incarnation of the Lord of Love and the fresh dispensation of His Eternal Message of Love and Truth.

New Book

The Joyous Path
The Life of Avatar Meher Baba's Sister, Mani
By: Heather Nadel
2-Volume, Hardcover Set 1170 pp.
Two volume book about Mani is now available.

Manija S. Irani (1918-1996), Meher Baba's younger sister, and one of His closest disciples, was a vivacious personality, a gifted writer, a sensitive musician, and an integral participant in all phases of Meher Baba's spiritual work. Long awaited, Heather Nadel's detailed, two-volume biography of Mani has at last been published.

New Book

Originally published in 2009 as a work in 10 parts, this poetical meditation (now in 12 parts) is composed in a prose-poetry form reminiscent of Walt Whitman and Francis Brabazon. The author takes the reader on a journey into Meher Baba's Divine Theme, through the lens of an American poetic consciousness ruminating on the timeless theme of time's passing.


Henry Kashouty ~ the Treacherous Mind

Published on Feb 12, 2016

The AMBCSC Archives ~ In Concert With the MeherBabaLibrary Oral History Archive Project

                 Goodbye.  Keep well and Be Happy in Baba's Love. 

Meher Baba Books (Los Angeles)

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