eShabbos Weekly
Parshas Behar 5776  
May 27/28 2016
Shabbos Timetable

Friday, Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Behar 
May 27, 2016, 19 Iyar 5776
Shachris: 7:25 am
(note: one must daven mincha before lighting candles)
Early candle lighting: 6:45 pm
Early mincha/kabbalos shabbos: 6:35 pm
Late candle lighting: 7:53 pm

Shabbas kodesh
May 28, 2016, 20 Iyar 5776
Shachris: 9:00 am
Mishna Berura shire: - Hilchos Eruvin : 7:35 pm
Mincha/Daf yomi: 7:45 pm
Maariv/end of shabbos: 9:08 pm

and hello everyone! I hope you are doing well.

Thanks to all who participated in last week's musical shabbos with guest chazan Craig Resmovits from the singing sensation six13!

It was a beautiful shabbos with moving niggunim, heartfelt davening and a packed house! We look forward to having Craig join us again in the near future.

Thank you to our gala kiddush sponsor this shabbos, Leah & Kalman Weiss , in honor of the bar mitzvah of their dear nephew, Jonathan Weiss .

Mazel tov and may the entire family see much nachas from Jonathan for 120 happy and healthy years! Amen.

A big yasher koach to our own Francine Katz for organizing our first ever Babka Bake! This successful event was led by our own master Babka baker Robin Michnick and a great time was had by all.

The fifteen men and women in attendance gained valuable insights into the secret of producing mouthwatering babka and also... a few pounds. Thank you Francine and Robin! Keep up the great work for our shul!

Mazel Tov
A big yasher koach (in advance) to the entire Ohav Sholom Daf Yomi shiur!
On Wednesday, June 1, 2016, we will iy"h finish Mesechta Kiddushin and thus complete seder nashim! What a marvelous accomplishment!

Want to master the next mesechta in the daf yomi cycle, Bava Kama? Join our shiur today! Please email or see me in shul to discuss your future as a TALMID CHACHAM!
Come Protest Please!

All are encouraged to join a massive protest at the United Nations building to protest the nefarious BDS boycott this Tuesday, May 31.  Please use this link to sign up in advance.

Memorial Day 2016

How can we say thank you enough to the hundreds of thousands of heroic men and women of the United States Armed Forces who gave their lives so that we may live in peace and harmony, celebrate American exceptionalism, maintain our unique democratic ideals and enjoy personal liberty?

We can't. But we can express gratitude when meeting active servicemen and women, daven for them (as we recite a special prayer on shabbos) and maintain a moving custom initiated by our past President Ron Goldofsky, to read publicly the names of marines/soldiers killed in battle each week.  

May Hashem continue to bless America, the US armed forces, Am Yisroel and Eretz Yisroel! Amen.

Annual Dinner
Be sure to reserve your place at our upcoming annual dinner on Wednesday, June 22, 2016, to be held at the Jewish Center, honoring a most worthy Ohav Sholom couple, Mark and Dr. Jennifer Becker

A special heartfelt tribute to our past Office Administrator, Ruth Rosenberg, a"h , will be presented to her family at the dinner reception.

You can easily make a reservation ONLINE at the shul website, - or click the link below.

I look forward to greeting every member and friend at this exciting and important shul event.

Have a wonderful shabbos!

See you in shul,

Rabbi Aaron D. Mehlman
Erev shabbos kodesh Behar 5776
call 212-877-5850| Click to email | Click for website

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