May 2016

ATS blogs!
Subscribe now to the blog topics that interest you most:
Views from the Corner Office--Thoughts from the ATS executive director; Educational Models and Practices--Innovations and other learnings from schools contributing to the Association's largest project; Data Matters--Insights into the Annual Data Tables, Student and Alumni/ae Questionnaires, and other data-based ATS research. Read more.
Update on the ATS executive director search
With input from the membership, the committee has made progress and will report at the Biennial Meeting. Read more.
Fuller Theological Seminary charts new territory
FULLERstudio, a new interactive e-resource sharing exclusive free content, premieres Bono & Eugene Peterson: The Psalms in its debut launch.   Read more. 

Explore St. Louis!
If you're attending the Biennial Meeting June 28-30 (and/or the Academic Officers' Preconference), you might want to check out some of the city's best attractions during your free time. Read more.

ATS is here to serve you, and we welcome your feedback.

Please send your comments or updated contact information to

Eliza Smith Brown, Director, Communications and External Relations.