Resources from Sunday's service that you might find useful.
May 24, 2016
This past Sunday we welcomed Polly Young-Eisendrath to the pulpit for her sermon, "Having Faith in Your Life, No Matter What". We also welcomed  Michael Clough, from the  Southern Vermont Natural History Museum  for Justice Sunday in RE.

Here is a link to the Leonard Cohen song played at the service:

And the poem OddJob: A Bull Terrier by Derek Walcott

Finally, for those interested in going deeper, this is the last week to sign up for Polly's workshop at the Omega Institute.   Here is the link to register:

From Martha Dallas, DRE

Our children and a number of adults were treated to an awesome presentation about owls of Vermont, courtesy of Michael Clough of the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum.

Check out this incredible slow-motion video of an Eagle Owl landing, provided by Cheryl Herrick:

"Our world is alive! All around us it hums with life, with liveliness! And the life of our world reaches out to us, calls to us, teaches us. Life is alive and wants us to join in! All we need to do is simply notice." Click here to read more of Martha's "Reflections for All Ages" 

Check out this time lapse video of a dandelion transforming from a yellow flower to a soft pom of seeds: