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St John the Evangelist Parish
Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA)

In recent weeks, we have heard about the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) and how it sustains the central ministries serving our parish and Catholic schools and other organizations around the Archdiocese. Many of you have already made a gift or pledge.  Thank you!   To date, our parishioners have made gifts totaling  $56,499.   Our goal in support of central ministries is  $90,692 .  

Remember that   each parish  - and we are one of 175 parishes which cover Western Washington - is asked to contribute to the support of the Church. I am asking you consider a gift to this year's Annual Catholic Appeal. If everyone contributes something, we can make our appeal goal. I fully realize that some people cannot make any contribution however I ask for you to complete a card with a pledge to pray.

Once a year, Catholics throughout the Archdiocese are asked to support these ministries through the Catholic Appeal. Their support advances the work of the Church both within and beyond the boundaries of their parishes. Through a shared commitment to the Annual Catholic Appeal, we unite our hearts and hands with one another as the body of Christ in the Archdiocese of Seattle.

The Appeal is funded through the generosity and commitment of those who believe in these ministries and want to ensure that they remain strong.
I thought I already gave this year?!

There are two major annual opportunities for giving in our Parish each year.  The following points will hopefully help to clarify the differences:

Annual Catholic Appeal
Occurs in the Spring of each year
Archdiocesan campaign (Denominational)
Supports over 60 ministries and services throughout Western Washington
Pledge to the Archdiocese - May to April
Donations processed through Archdiocese
Parish Stewardship of Treasure
Occurs in the Fall of each year
Parish renewal (Congregational)
Provides parish ordinary income
Yearly pledge to the parish - January to December
For every dollar contributed
Here's the Breakdown

There are 175 parishes and missions in the Archdiocese, serving 579,500 Catholics.  When you give a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal, your money goers to support over 60 ministries and services.  

Some of the ministries supported include:
Catholic Faith Formation * Catholic Youth Organization * Multicultural Ministries * Catholic Schools * Youth and Young Adult Evangelization * Sister's Retirement * Catholic Community Services * Tribunal * Retired Priest's Medical Care & Priest's Pension * Seminarian Formation * Diaconate & Religious Life * Lay Ecclesial Ministry
What if We Collect More than Our Goal?

Any money we raise over our goal of $90,692, comes back to the Parish to fund a project of our choice.  We will be putting that rebate toward the Crispin's Kitchen remodel project.

It's a win - win!
A Future Full of Hope 
The Annual Catholic Appeal in the Northwest