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Hagaon Rav Yitzchok Luxenberg, Rav of Neoth Simcha/Nofei Ilit in Modi'in Ilit was not willing to forgo his Daf HaYomi BaHalacha shiur even on the night of his daughter's wedding. Shortly after the chuppa he delivered the shiur in the wedding hall to a large group of the regular attendees.

If someone said the beracha without knowing the date
The Mishnah Berurah writes that it is appropriate to know the correct sefira date before reciting the beracha. However, the beracha is still valid if a person said the beracha with the intention of hearing the correct date from a friend. Can someone without access to the correct sefira date count the omer by listing several possible dates? According to the Avnei Nezer and Sharei Yosher, the answer is no. The Dvar Avrohom holds that there is benefit in doing so, but that he should count without a beracha. The Or L'tzion adds that if he counted like this one night, he may continue counting with a beracha for the rest of the nights.
(סעיף ה וס"ק כט; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 65)

 Hilchos Tefilla 128 (page 17)
 מסימן קכ"ח סעיף ל"ח עד סעיף מ"א

A Kohein Who is a Rasha
A Kohein Who is Married to a Forbidden Woman
A Kohein Who is Intoxicated

A kohein who is a rasha
A kohein who is known to have committed many serious aveiros without repenting is still obligated to recite the blessing. Being a sinner does not exempt a person from performing other mitzvos. Murder or heretical beliefs, however, do disqualify someone from reciting the beracha, as we learned previously. Likewise, a kohein who violates any mitzva in order to anger Hashem is considered someone who rebels against Hashem, and he is no longer qualified to recite the blessing.
( סעיף לט וס"ק קמג-קמו; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 148)

A kohein who is married to a forbidden woman
A kohein who married a woman forbidden to a kohein (e.g. a divorcee) is forbidden from reciting the blessing; because he violated his ' kehuna,' Chazal disqualified him. When necessary, the Chachomim can override a Biblical obligation and forbid a person from performing an activity. The kohein may recite the blessing if he divorces the woman and takes an oath -- from which he can only be released by public consensus -- that he will not marry such women in the future.
( סעיף מ וס"ק קמז ו־קמט; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 155)

A kohein who is intoxicated
A kohein who drank a reviis of pure wine in one shot -- or more than a reviis of diluted wine in several gulps -- is forbidden from reciting the beracha until he sobers up. (The steps needed for sobering are covered in Shulchan Aruch §99:2.) If a kohein must eat before Musaf, he should listen to someone else recite kiddush. The poskim discuss whether grape juice is considered as wine regarding this halacha.
( סעיף לח וס"ק קלח ו־קמא; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 146)

  • A kohein who defected to another religion, even temporarily, whether intentionally or accidentally, may not perform birkas kohanim. Some poskim, including the Rama, permit a kohein who was forced to physically serve an idol to recite the beracha once he repents.
  • A kohein who publically violates Shabbos (i.e. in front of ten Jews or in a manner that ten Jews will find out about it) is excluded from reciting the beracha.
  • A kohein who killed a person cannot recite birkas kohanim. He should not be prevented from reciting the beracha if the information is based on a rumor and not witnesses. (Of course, if the kohein knows-and according to some poskim, even suspects-that he killed someone, he should not recite the beracha.)


  • An avel reciting birkas kohanim

  • Birkas kohanim in a house of mourning

  • May a kohein work in a hospital?



PLEASE NOTE:  The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases.
