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Community Information Service
May 19, 2016 / No:956

Assembly of Turkish American Associations
Assembly of Turkish American Associations
May 19, Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day

May 19th marks a significant date in the history of the Turkish Republic. Ninety-seven years ago, Army Commander and Founding Father Mustafa Kemal Atatürk arrived in the port city of Samsun on the Black Sea coast of Turkey, launching the War of Independence against powers that had invaded Turkey at the end of World War I, repelling all foreign militia from Turkish soil. Thus began the transformation of Turkey into a progressive, secular and modern democracy. From that day forward, Turks became united, for the first time recognizing and celebrating their nationhood. As a reminder that the future of the Republic is entrusted in the youth, this day has so been named, "Youth and Sports Day."

The Assembly of Turkish American Associations remembers Atatürk's message to the Turkish Youth, which he sent at the end of his famous, 36 hours long speech, "Nutuk".
" I'd like to direct my last words specifically to the youngsters of our homeland. Turkish Youth! You add on to and carry on our confidence. With the discipline and virtue you gain, you'll be the most valuable reflection of humanity, love of homeland, and freedom of opinion. You, arising new generation! The future is yours. We formed the republic; you'll make it live on..."

M. Kemal Atatürk
The Assembly of Turkish American Associations extends its best wishes to Turks and Turkish Americans, both at home and abroad, on this day of tribute to Atatürk and to the energy and optimism of youth everywhere.

Happy Youth and Sports Day!
Mehmet Toy, Ph.D.
Kursad Dogru
Chairman, Board of Trustees



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ATAA, representing over 60 local chapters and 500,000 Turkish Americans throughout the United States, serves locally and in Washington DC to empower the Turkish American community through civic engagement, and to support strong US-Turkish relations through education and advocacy.  Established in 1979, ATAA is the largest, democratically elected Turkish American membership organization in the United States.  As a non-faith based organization, ATAA is open to people of diverse backgrounds.  The ATAA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed under the laws of the District of Columbia. To learn more about ATAA, please visit www.ataa.org
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