Diocese of Louisiana
EDoLA News for February 2016
Announcements from the Bishop's Office
Date Set for 179th Convention
The 179th Convention of the Diocese of the Episcopal Church of Louisiana will be held November 4 & 5, 2016 at St. Martin's Episcopal School, Metairie.
Contact Contact Canon Shannon Manning at
smanning@edola.org or (504) 895-6634 with any questions.
Photograph of St. Martin's Episcopal School courtesy of Gibbs Construction.
Community Mission Appeal 2016
We are drawing close to the 2016 Community Mission Appeal (CMA) kickoff. As announced last fall we have rearranged the timeline for the CMA fundraising period and grant application period to align with the Annual Convention. This year we are asking each church to hold a special collection on one Sunday during Lent.
The Community Mission Appeal - or CMA - is the collection plate that is dedicated to taking our diocese's mission beyond the physical walls of our churches. Through CMA, we provide donations to our parishes so that they can grow their ministries.
One hundred percent of the gifts received through CMA will go directly to churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana to support the development and continuing strength of mission work. This summer we will invite churches to apply for a
Grant. A committee will review the grant proposal and we will announce grant recipients at the Annual Convention to be held
November 4 and 5
How to give:
To contribute financially, send a check with "CMA" written in the memo line to:
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana
Att: Community Mission Appeal
1623 Seventh Street
New Orleans, LA 70115
Ideas for additional fundraising:
Consider designating a percentage of your other fundraising efforts for the Community Mission Appeal. Integrity New Orleans is doing just that. They are going to contribute 25% of all donation of their sponsorship when they march in the LGBT Pride Parade this upcoming June.
The best way to raise money for the Community Mission Appeal is to talk about the churches and ministries that received grants in 2015. You can
view that list here.
News from the Episcopal Church
Presiding Bishop's Message for Lent
"Clarence Jorden of the Koinonia Movement many years ago wrote this:
Jesus founded the most revolutionary movement in human history, a movement built on the unconditional love of God for the world, and the mandate to those who follow to live that love."
Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry's Lenten message can be found here.
Presiding Bishop Speaks at the National Press Club
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry addressed the National Press Club on February 8 in Washington, D.C. He spoke of creating an inclusive society in The Episcopal Church.
Quoting Dr. King, Presiding Bishop Curry starts off the press conference, "We will either learn to live together as brothers and sisters, or we and the planet will perish together as fools. The choice is ours. Chaos or community. "
During the question and answer period of the press conference, Curry stated, "We believe in the full inclusion...because the outstretched arms of Jesus on the Cross really are about embracing and welcoming us all. That we are the children of God created in God's image and likeness. And, I believe that is what love bids us do."
News from Around the Diocese
Ash Wednesday from Christ Church Cathedral
Listen to the 6:00 PM Ash Wednesday service (click here) and Bishop Thompson's sermon at the noon Ash Wednesday service (click here) from Christ Church Cathedral.
The Rev'd Don Brown Named Interim Rector of St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, Zachary
The Rev'd Don Brown has been named interim rector of St. Patrick's Episcopal Church in Zachary. He is a retired priest in the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana and has been serving as supply clergy at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church in Clinton.
The Rev'd Patrick Edwards Called to Episcopal Diocese of Long Island
The Rev'd William Patrick Edwards has been called to serve as the sixth rector of St. John's Episcopal Church in Southampton, NY, the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island. He is currently serving as priest-in-charge of St. Margaret's Episcopal Church in Baton Rouge. He will serve his last Sunday at St. Margaret's on Easter Day, March 27.
The Very Rev'd Mark Holland Resigns as Rector of St. James Episcopal Church, Baton Rouge
On January 31, the Very Rev'd Mark Holland announced his resignation as rector of St. James Episcopal Church in Baton Rouge. His last Sunday will be Pentecost Sunday, May 15. Fr. Mark also serves as the Dean of the Baton Rouge Deanery.
Deacon Suzie Johnston Moved to Tennessee
Deacon Suzie Johnston and her husband, George Silbernagel, moved to Nashville, Tennessee in January 2016. Deacon Suzie was serving as deacon at Grace Episcopal Church, St. Francisville. She plans to continue serving as a deacon in the Diocese of Tennessee.
The Rev'd David McDowell-Fleming Moves Into Diocese
The Rev'd David McDowell-Fleming, retired priest from the Diocese of the Central Gulf Cost, has moved into the diocese. He has been licensed to serve at St. Anna's Episcopal Church, New Orleans.
Archdeacon Priscilla Maumus Retires as Deacon of Christ Church Cathedral; Continues as Archdeacon of the Diocese
Archdeacon Priscilla Maumus has retired as deacon at Christ Church Cathedral on January 24. She continues to serve as archdeacon of the Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana. Her office is now located in the Noland Center, New Orleans.
The Rev'd Ken Ritter Named Interim Rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Chattanooga, TN
The Rev'd Ken Ritter has been named interim rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee starting February 8. Fr. Ken was serving as priest-in-charge of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Innis.
The Rev'd Edward Thompson Now Serving Full Time at All Souls Episcopal Church, New Orleans
It was announced in December 2015 that the Rev'd Edward Thompson would no longer serve as priest-in-charge of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in New Orleans. He is continuing to serve full time as vicar of All Souls Episcopal Church in New Orleans.
St. Luke's Day School, Baton Rouge, Selects New Head of School
The Luke's Vestry and School Board has announced that Gregory Hutchinson has been selected as the 9th Head of School of the St. Luke's Day School in Baton Rouge. Hutchinson background includes both teaching and administration in the Episcopal and private school systems of Texas and Louisiana. Hutchinson will begin on July 1 when the current Head of School Amy Whitley retires after 20 years of service.
Trinity School, Baton Rouge, Names Interim Head of School
The Board of Trustees of Trinity Episcopal School has named Cooper Knecht as Interim Head of School starting June 1, 2016. She will replace Kim Jones who is moving to Nashville, Tennessee to join her husband the Rev. Canon Chad Jones on their new call.
Knecht is a retired educator, having served for 38 years in both teaching and school administration.
Follow up on News Brought to You the Last Few Months:
Lenten Season Reflections & Christian Education Classes in the Diocese of Louisiana
There are a number of Lenten Season Christian Education programs occurring throughout the Diocese of Louisiana. You can view the schedule on the
EDOLA website here.
A list of churches offering weekly Stations of the Cross can be found on the
EDOLA website here.
Explore the theme GO!, help your favorite saint win the Golden Halo, journey to the Cross with Episcopal Relief and Development, reflect on racial reconciliation. There is something for everyone to help keep a holy Lent.
View a list here.
Churches Should Lead the Discussion on HIV-AIDS
(left to right)The Rev. William Barnwell, Deacon Jay Albert, Rev. Gregory Manning, Dr. Kevin Stephens, and the Rev. Dr. Dwight Webster.
Each year the number of new people infected with HIV can fill two-thirds of the New Orleans Superdome. That is 50,000 newly infected people each year. Baton Rouge is the number one city in the nation with new HIV cases. New Orleans is number three. Those are scary statistics that not many want to discuss because of the stigma, shame, and denial associated with the disease. Some of our faith leaders are working to break down these barriers to help stop the spread of the disease in our community.
Deacon Jay Albert of Trinity Episcopal Church, New Orleans, along with the Rev'd Gregory Manning of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, New Orleans, attended the Justice and Beyond Coalition Meeting on February 15 to lead a forum on why and how faith communities and other organizations should be on the forefront of the discussion on HIV-AIDS.
Talking about HIV-AIDS prevention
can save a life. As stated in their presentation, "There is no reason why one new person should be infected with HIV. Get out of the silence. Get out in the open and talk about HIV."
Churches Holding Lenten Season Fundraisers
Support an Episcopal Church this Lent. Below you will find a list of fish fry and gumbo lunch / dinner fundraisers occurring around the diocese. On the EDOLA website: view here.
Every Monday in Lent
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Gumbo Lunch at St. John's Episcopal Church, 718 Jackson St, Thibodaux
Every Friday in Lent
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Glory and Gumbo at St. James Episcopal Church, 205 N. Fourth St, Baton Rouge
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM -7:00 PM
Gumbo to Geaux at St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 3245 Manhattan Blvd, Harvey
Friday, February 19
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Lenten Fish Fry at Christ Episcopal Church, 1534 Seventh St, Slidell
Friday, February 26
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Drive By Fish Fry at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 6249 Canal Blvd, New Orleans
Friday, March 4
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Fish Fry at All Saints Episcopal Church, 100 Rex Dr, River Ridge
Vote for An Episcopal Non-Profit in the Gulf Coast Bank & Trust 4th Annual Community Rewards Program
Gulf Coast Bank & Trust Company is currently hosting their 4th Annual Community Rewards Program. This program is an online contest that rewards a total of $50,000 to the top 10 local non-profit organizations voted on by the community. There are several Episcopal schools and ministries on the list. Voting takes place until March 15.
Jazz in January Shakes the Rafters at Christ Church
[Photo by Bill McHugh, longtime Christ Church parishioner] Christ Episcopal Church, Covington, reported in their February 4 edition of
Illuminare that the rafters were shaking during the first annual Jazz in January weekend. Featured artists were Greta Matassa (photographed above), Ellis Marsalis, Matt Lemmler and the New Orleans Jazz Revival Band (with Jason Marsalis, Clipper Anderson, and Rex Gregory), and the Gospel Divas (with Barbara Johnson Tucker, Joan Hubert and April Hubert). The weekend of jazz concerts ended with two jazz worship services on Sunday morning. The Jazz in January concert provide a way to connect church members with the wider community through music. The next Jazz in January weekend is schedule for January 20-22, 2017.
Read more about the Jazz in January in the
The Episcopal Diocese of Louisiana | 1623 Seventh St, New Orleans, LA 70115