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October 15, 2015



 What's Missing?
What's October without The Glen?

If it wasn't for the much needed repaving project, you would right now still be feeling the afterglow of another fantastic weekend at The Glen. That's right, remember how glorious the weather was this last weekend? Well, put yourself in your car charging up the Esses in that bright sunshine and that's what the weekend would have been like.


A bunch of years ago, we had a freak snow storm that sent a bunch of us home and that sticks in many peoples minds...however, the reality is that Watkins Glen in early October most often enjoys better weather than either the Jefferson 500 in May in W.VA  or Lime Rock's Vintage Festival held in early September in CT do.


In fact, if you check the climatology records of the National Weather Service you'll find that most often, Watkins Glen will enjoy sunny relatively mild weather in early October.


This is a long winded way of letting you know that not only is the VRG looking forward to going back to The Glen in 2016, but that the track has moved our date up to early in the month for next year!


If you want to keep Watkins Glen in the schedule make sure you plan to come in 2016 and talk it up with all your racing friends too.


Our new date greatly increases the likelihood of us having a great race weather, but the track has also kicked the track rental up over 20%, so we'll need a really good turnout to make this happen in 2016.

Glen Pix

Some Historic Glen Video
As long as I've got you thinking about The Glen, here's a selection of videos from past events for you to enjoy. Just click on the underlined parts to link to the video.

Let's start off with this clip from the 1967 Grand Prix...Jim Clark, Graham Hill leading the pack. Clark had already secured the championship.

This is some pretty amazing stuff. Home movies of the 1969 Grand Prix shot by Doug Frazier's Dad, back in the day. Amazing historical look back at the time. This is the "old" Glen many of us remember before the catch fences and armco, etc. changed the look of the course forever.

Just had to add this one...the year before had the  1979 Grand Prix  which started under very wet conditions.  Watch Gilles Villeneuve show his car control mastery in the wet.

Moving up a decade to the 1980 Grand Prix after the track had just been repaved. Enjoy the play by play from BBC commentator James Hunt.

Moving forward, our next event will be the classic Turkey Bowl at Summit Point in November. This laid back event gives you a chance to break out the car for one last session before putting it away for the winter.  Event Chair, Michael Oritt, is planning another great event, so try to get to this event this year.

 Storm Field

VRG Update
Vintage Racer Group