As you know, your Parish Transformation Team of 25 parishioners has been hard at work over the past 3 months to create a vision for our future, rooted in the mission of Jesus.  Based on intensive reflection, discussion, and analysis of the February Parish Survey, we wrote the St. Josaphat Parish Mission Narrative, which we previewed in the April 16th Issue of JosaFAST.  In parallel, we determined 5 Parish Goals, and developed 9 Action Plans to reach those goals over the next 3 years.  On May 29, Fr. Rich and the Steering Committee will meet with Bishop Kane to review our findings and plans, and then the real fun begins!

This weekend at all the masses, a member of the Parish Transformation Team will briefly review our Goals and Action Plans.  A take-home pamphlet will be available in all the pews for your perusal.  We urge you to see which of the plans appeals to you and get involved!  Just send an email to the contact person listed;  do it now while it's top of mind!

Goal: Increase Service to Community
1) Quarterly Service Projects
Coordinate a joint service event within the parish or with a community organization.  
Contact:  Julie Polt (

Goal: Better Connect Parishioners
2) New Family Engagement Plan - St. Josaphat Tots & Targeted Gatherings
  • Parishioners and members of the community will be invited to participate in the St. Josaphat Tots playgroup, expanding into a 2-year-old program:

Parents of babies and toddlers, come join the brand new St. Josaphat Tots group!  Get out of the house, meet other parents of babies and young toddlers, and let the little ones play while you enjoy some adult conversation and meet fellow St. Josaphat parishioners!  Our first meeting will take place in late June - stay tuned to JosaFAST and the bulletin for more information.  

  • A renewed engagement of new parishioners, including targeted gatherings.
Contact:  Megan Weiland (

3) Quarterly Social Outings
Quarterly social gatherings, held at businesses (restaurants, bars, etc), in which there are opportunities for fellowship, while supporting a selected charitable cause. 
Contact:  Chris Jaeger (

Goal:  Provide More Opportunities for Spiritual Growth  
4) Daily Devotional Email
Provide St Josaphat parishioners with daily email devotionals (e.g.  "Take Five for Faith") providing for a daily time of prayer and meditation. 
Contact:  Heather Dunkel (
5) Annual Parish Retreat
An annual retreat opportunity to be offered as early as Lent 2016. 
Contact:  Lou Storino (

6) Social and Learning Club
Create alternative opportunities for continuing education within the parish. Parishioners will be surveyed to determine areas of interest.  Examples:  book clubs, speakers, field trips to museums to view/discuss art, Catholic relics etc.
Contact:  Dan Lynch (

Goal:  Fund Church Building Structural Repair
7) Successful "To Teach Who Christ Is" Capital Campaign
A multi-year capital campaign that will allow significant and critical facility improvements for St. Josaphat Church and will establish scholarships for Catholic elementary students in the archdiocese.
Contact: Fr Rich (

Goal:  Improve Fiscal Integrity
8) Increase eGiving
A renewed effort to increase participation in GiveCentral for weekly donations for more consistent budgeting. 
Contact:  Mike Carin (

9) Alternative SeptemberFest
Investigate alternative SeptemberFest management options to increase parish revenues. 
Contact:  Jeff Gerstner (

Save the Date!
Vacation Bible School
June 15 - 19, 2015
Register here (

Photographs Wanted!
We are looking for pictures of parish events (weekday masses, sacraments, baptisms, Christmas, Easter, Youth Group, etc.) since May 2014 with which to update the parish website and other materials.  Please send photos to
Thank you!

Coaches Needed!
Girls Volleyball & Basketball
If you are interested--even if you're not sure if you have time to commit--in coaching during the 2015-16 school year, contact Mary Hermanek, Athletic Director at!

Visit or help with our school garden!
We are planting some spring seeds!  
The garden is for all of the parish to enjoy so please take time to check it out and reap what we sow!  If you would like to get involved with the garden please email Jim Gramata at