TTEAM clinic
Tellington TTouch ® with horses 

TTouch is a gentle method for improving behavior, performance and wellbeing, while enhancing the relationship between you and your horse.  
What more could you ask for?

May 6-8, 2016

Stoney Run Farm
Greensboro, North Carolina

It is not required that you bring a horse. 

Taught by 
Edie Jane Eaton
International TTouch Instructor
and Feldenkrais Practitioner 

Reserve Your Space Today!

For information about cost, registration, directions, logistics accommodation, etc., use links at right or contact local coordinator Meaghan Arpe by email or phone at: 336-549-2795

What does TTEAM do? 
What happens at a TTEAM clinic?
Who is Edie Jane Eaton?   

Questions? Please feel free to email Edie Jane if you have questions about what she will be teaching. Perhaps you have a special request. If this is your first session, you may have questions about what to expect. Do get in touch.

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