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The Chair's Corner
Help the DCDP Celebrate Earth Day 

Fellow Democrats,

On April 22-24, 2016, the Dallas County Democratic Party (DCDP) will celebrate Earth Day for the entire weekend at the Earth Day Festival in Fair Park, just down the street from our headquarters. At the DCDP booth, teams of volunteers will register people to vote, provide information about the upcoming elections, and represent the Party.

Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd to demonstrate support for environmental protection. The celebration was founded in 1970 by John McConnell, a resident of Denver, Colorado, primarily in response to the massive oil spill which occurred in 1969 in the Santa Barbara Channel in Southern California. At the time, it was the largest oil spill in waters of the United States. Now it is the third largest, behind the oil spills of the Exxon Valdez in 1989 and of Deepwater Horizon in 2010. Earth Day is now celebrated in more than 192 countries each year, and the activities are coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network.

The Democratic Party and President Obama are firmly on the side of science and stewardship of our planet. It is critical that we continue electing Democrats to counter those who spread misinformation and denial about climate change. One of the most significant things you can do to help the environment is to register voters who care about the environment. That's why the DCDP will be participating in the Earth Day Festival at Fair Park. If you can help volunteer at our booth, please call Executive Director Carmen Ayala. However, if you cannot volunteer this weekend, there are other ways you can help the environment.

Earthlings are encouraged to start helping by making small changes to better the environment. Even if we each choose only one thing to change, we can make a difference. Below are 10 of the easier ways we can help:

1. Plant a tree or start a garden
2. Eat less meat and buy local produce
3. Stop using disposable plastic
4. Recycle paper, glass, metal and electronic devices
5. Turn off unused lights & unplug unused devices
6. Close off AC/heating vents in unused rooms
7. Use less water
8. Carpool and use mass transit
9. Keep your car properly maintained
10. Switch to compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs

Meanwhile, you can support the DCDP in the following ways:

Yours Democratically,
Carol Donovan, DCDP Chair

Dallas County Democratic Party
4209 Parry Avenue, Dallas TX 75223
Phone: 214-821-8331     Fax: 214-821-0995
Website:  www.dallasdemocrats.org
Facebook:  www.facebook.com/DallasDemocrats
Twitter:  twitter.com/dallasdemocrats
Instagram:  http://instagram.com/dallasdemocrats