Griot Theatre's Newsletter

April, 2016
 Getty Villa: April 15-17                                                                     Hollywood: April 29-May 22

Back from the Dark

In the early days of theatre, a "ghost light" would always remain lit, even when the theatre was not in use. This was to allow the last person out and first person back in the next day, light by which to see. If a theatre stopped producing plays, there would be no need to keep the ghost light on and the theatre would be said to have "gone dark". 

Since our New Voices Festival two years ago, Griot Theatre has been dark. But, starting this week and beyond, our stages will be lit once more. We're happy to present to you, again, the kind of work you've grown to expect from Griot Theatre: focused on giving voice to untold stories. Creating opportunities for women, artists of color, and artists with physical disabilities to interpret theatre in new ways.  Much has transpired and more change is on the way, however, we remain committed to our artistry, our artists, and our community. We welcome you to join us on this next part of our journey, because we think you'll agree: it feels good to be back from the dark.
The Archer from Malis
At the GETTY VILLA   April 15-17

Our next production arrives this weekend at The Getty Villa. Artistic Director, Malik B. El-Amin, has adapted Philoctetes by Sophocles, into a new story set in a Hunger Games-inspired dystopia. 

The adaptation, The Archer from Malis, follows Neoptolema, daughter of Achilles, who is ordered by Odyssea to trick Philoctetes into joining the Greeks in their war efforts. Philoctetes was entrusted with Hercules' bow, upon the demi-god's death. Now the Greeks, who abandoned the snake-bitten Philoctetes on a deserted island ten years earlier, are in need of him and the divine bow to win the Trojan War. The play explores questions of loss, betrayal, loyalty, and whether the ends justify the means.   

The Archer from Malis
LOUNGE THEATRES, Hollywood  April 29 - May 22

Won't be able to make the Getty Villa performances? The Archer is running for 4 weeks in Hollywood. 

Get Tickets for the Lounge Theatres
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Malik B. El-Amin
Artistic Director & Co-founder

Griot Theatre is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization serving Greater Los Angeles County.  

Everyone has a story to tell. That's what we do in theatre. Yet women, artists of color, and artists with physical disabilities have been left out of the conversation - their voices unheard - in traditional theatre.

We believe that theatre performs two functions: it reminds us who we've been and it teaches us who we have the potential to become. When our stories lack diversity, our past remains deficient and our future less bright. Griot Theatre exists to give voice to these untold stories, by creating a forum for artists from underrepresented groups to interpret theatre in new ways.