Welcome to the April issue of Conscious Design Magazine
I know you will enjoy our informative and entertaining articles this month.  It was a pleasure getting to connect with Ned Farrell whose background in feng shui and beekeeping has truly opened a unique journey for him.  Coach Gwyn joins us to move us into Action.  We are pleased to share wisdom from Carole Hyder, a internationally known feng shui expert and her article on hospital.  Sandy Humby is arriving to the US in June to present workshops on Rose Alchemy, as well as an advanced Space Clearing class and evening on Energy management and Psychic self defense.  Real estate tips for Millennials.  Lots more ahead..

I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I have enjoyed connecting and working with all of you.
Please continue to share your stories and tips with us.  We all have a light to share!


Renae Jensen, Founder & Editor
Conscious Design Magazine


A Bee Happy Journey
Ned Farrell
How the universe saw fit to put beekeeping, 
feng shui, and a skilled woman on one lucky man's path.

May, 1989, and nine of us find ourselves standing
in a lush, almost unbearably beautiful location in Aregua, Paraguay.  We freshly arrived in this South American country just a couple days before, green as can be, and excited to be so.  We are the beekeeping trainees in this latest group of agriculture volunteers to arrive for the Peace Corps.

  Conrad, our apiculture instructor, tells us how vitally important honeybees are to the ecology of a whole region which they inhabit. That they not only live in harmony with the environment but actually help to create the harmony in the world they inhabit.  When we walk closer to the hives every one of us can feel the energy lift.  Each of us to a person can't help but smile and take a deep breathe, as if the hives are a power source, a source of chi.

Read more

Part two:
By Coach Gwyn
In a previous issue I outlined a 3-part system to help YOU REALIZE All is Already Yours, Now:
  • Part 1 INTENTION: Clarity about what it is you seek
  • Part 2 ACTION:  Deliberate steps forward realize what you seek
  • Part 3 BEST LIFE:  Embracing all that is ALREADY YOURS, NOW
When you clearly set your INTENTION you amplify your desired outcome.
In summary, using the F.A.S.T. technique you choose to Feel, Act, Speak and Think AS IF you've achieved your desired outcome. What we choose to focus on is exactly what we get more of.  In other words, by telling the universe (and yourSELF) exactly what you want you WILL attract more of 'what you want' immediately in your life. 

Full Article and Action Plan

What One Hospital Did to Help Patients Heal Faster 
Carole J. Hyder
International Feng Shui Expert

In 2003 I was hired as a Feng Shui consultant to assist in the building of a hospital in Hudson, Wisconsin.  My position on the design team enabled me to offer ideas for color, furniture placement, office arrangements, an overall entry experience, optimal garden settings----and for creating healing rooms in the in-patient wing.

Feng Shui is the art and science of arranging physical space so that it supports the intentions of those who work or live---or heal---within the walls of that environment.  It relies on a systematic assessment of:
how a person is positioned in a room,
how the building relates to topographical considerations,
what events may have occurred in the space before the current individuals, what may have occurred on the land before construction,
the shape of the building or room,
when the building was built,
to name a few. 
Learn More 

Rose Alchemy coming to the US in June 2016
Sandy Humby and Rose Alchemy

Sandy Humby will be back with us in New Jersey in June with a number of classes and retreat days focussing on the powerful personal and planetary healing offered through her work with the Rose.

Developing Rose Alchemy has brought together her wisdom and experience of nearly 25 years consciously working in the field of metaphysics, refining it into a cutting edge modality. Her 5 part training leading to accreditation as a Rose Alchemy Therapist is a comprehensive and in depth holistic approach to health and wellbeing which aligns well with other energy healing modalities and counselling practices.

Sandy is seen as a thought leader in the field of vibrational medicine. An experienced Pranic Healer, Pranic Psychotherapist and House Whisperer, her life's work has been to be a voice for the re empowerment of the Sacred Feminine. To help heal hearts and bring about balance, Inner Peace and Love within... for it is only when there is Inner Peace within that there will be Peace on the Earth. Transformation happens one heart at a time and we need to 'Be the change' ... it is an inside job!!
The Rose speaks to the heart in a way no other flower does and attending a class with Sandy is both personally transformative and educational.

Does learning how to work holistically with the Rose call you?

In June Sandy will be offering a special intensive Rose 1 and 2 class which offers a great basic training in working with the Rose frequencies for personal healing and relationship healing. The remainder of the classes can be completed through the new online programme that will be available from September 2016.

There are also 2 Retreat Days in June that offer an opportunity to work with Sandy on a less formal basis, to experience the power of working with the Roses for your own personal development and healing. These days are designed to bring you into an ever deeper alignment with the calling of your higher soul self and heartfelt inner sovereignty to make choices for a life with Love at its centre.

Read More about Rose Alchemy

Contact us for more Information

Learn more about the Roses at www.RoseAlchemy.com
Featured Product of the Month

Breathe Easy Air Purifying Mist
w/ Pure Bee Propolis

We are excited to feature this wonderful product by the
Bee Happy Company this month !

Take a deep breath of confidence every time you enter your home or office with this fabulous cutting edge product. Bee Happy's Breathe Easy Air Purifying Mist w/ Pure Bee Propolis has both deodorizing and anti-bacterial properties with the power of 100% pure essential oils and pure bee propolis right from the Bee Happy hives!

A Conscious Garden
By Renae Jensen FSII

The smell of a flower, the sight of buds opening on the trees and the feel of grass under our feet bring a deep feeling of peace and connection to us. For thousands of years the plant kingdom has provided us sustenance, as a food base, for medicine and to enrich our lives by bringing in beauty, color and scent. The symbolic meanings of plants can be traced back through many cultures. Our gardens teach us about the cycles of life. We are nature.

Some key garden tips to consider this year:

1. Allow your garden to honor and assist your life. Identify what you need in your life. What are your time constraints? We all have ups and downs and a garden should never become a burden to us. Some years we can immerse ourselves in elaborate gardens, other years we may give ourselves permission to have a small, beautiful dish garden. Honor yourself!

2. Create a theme to enhance the dream. By developing a theme and intention for your garden you allow your garden to become a living expression of your vision. For example, a prosperity garden would incorporate a beautiful flowing water feature, shades of purple and gold and evergreens to keep the prosperity green all year.

  More Conscious Garden Tips


Green Hotelier
Stay in tune with the latest news and resources for green hotels around the world.

"Green Hotelier is the leading source of information on the sustainable and responsible agenda within the hotel industry.
As the key communication tool of the
International Tourism Partnership , which works with global hotel chains to drive the responsible agenda, Green Hotelier has a serious commitment to delivering accessible, expert and honest content."
Green Highlights

Proximity Hotel

Proximity Hotel is the first to achieve the LEED Platinum "green hotel" rating. Located in Greensboro, NC, this AAA
4 Diamond Award hotel provides both comfort and beauty while achieving the highest levels of sustainability.

  Here are a few highlights of the Sustainable practices:
  • The bistro bar is made of salvaged, solid walnut trees that came down through sickness or storm and room service trays made of Plyboo (bamboo plywood).
  •  The sun's energy heats hot water with 100 solar panels covering the 4,000 square feet of rooftop (enough hot water for a hundred homes).
  •  Geothermal energy is used for the restaurant's refrigeration equipment, instead of a standard water-cooled system, saving significant amounts of water.
  • Low-emitting volatile organic compound (VOC) paints, adhesives, carpets, etc reduces indoor air contamination.

Inhabitat Image
Winner of eVolo's Skyscaper Competition  for futuristic design for Central Park, NYC

Crazy proposal exposes Central Park's underground mountains and surrounds it with 1,000-foot glass walls
by Lucy Wang, 03/30/16  INHABITAT

" There are mountains to be found in New York City, if you know where to look. Designers Yitan Sun and Jianshu Wu have proposed a way to uncover these hidden landforms in New York Horizon, an idea that excavates 1,000 feet down into  Central Park and surrounds the four sides of the park with a subterranean, habitable mega-structure. The extraordinary but entirely unrealistic proposal was just crowned winner of eVolo's 2016 Skyscraper Competition, an annual contest known for its futuristic and fanciful designs."

Real Estate

Real Estate 2016 - The Millennial Market 
by Renae Jensen

The buying crowd is younger, and
they have very specific needs and wants !

What is a Millennial?

Also known as the Net Generation or Generation Y, the millennial generation describes those between the ages of 18 and 34. Dates vary, with the earliest birthdate considered is 1976 and the latest is 2004. The Millennials were raised in a world very different to many of us. Their world was one of online connection, electronics, and mass social media influence. A target of massive marketing campaigns, this group likes the finer things in life, and often expect them. They are able to research a topic and product at the push of a button, and have received the plus/minus aspect of instant gratification. Some say they are a confident group, perhaps self-centered. Many of this group have faced the disillusionment of the great American dream as the traditional career path has floundered, and college loans have ballooned.  Yet, this generation still is considered  optimistic, creating a great new surge in entrepreneurship, inventions, and investments

Leading the Home Buying Market
As 68 percent of the first-time home buyers' market, and 32 percent share as homebuyers overall, this generation is making a difference in the marketplace.  Many of these are primary residences for these younger buyers, but many are also purchasing investment properties and looking for opportunity.  This generation likes to plan for the future and will invest in several properties.

Millennial Real Estate Highlights 

Off the Grid
Salida , Colorado Eco Friendly Green Home for Sale
Enjoy stunning 360 degree views of the  14,000' Collegiate Peaks and the Buffalo Range and Mosquito Range to the north.  This eco-friendly green home was constructed  17 years ago and is completely off the grid. The home is southwest style poured concrete, adobe and true stucco, earth bermed style home.  Cost is $2,350,000

Listing Link: Green Homes for Sale
Space Clearing Certification

History- Ethics- Techniques- Tools of the Trade
Reading a Home- Energy Awareness
Hands on Practice

Conscious Design Institute 

Contact Renae for information
Classes held in New Jersey    May-June 2016

Conscious Design Magazine
908 797-5225
[email protected]